Chapter 14 ~ the past memories.

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Planet Chaos. - 2 days later.

The commanders were seated in the meeting room for another meeting.

When the doors opened they all started to look worried as Chaos walked in. Worried because the normal smirk, or smile on his face was gone, and was replaced with a frown instead.

Chaos sat in his throne, or chair, and looked across the table at his first commander. His frown deepened, at the news he was about to tell him.

"Okay, who died?" Percy asked.

But then he nearly winced. That sounded like something a very old assassin friend of his would say.

He hated her right now, but also missed her company greatly.

The commanders groaned in irritation. He asked this question every time Chaos didn't look happy, or didn't have a smirk on his face.

Chaos's frown deepened even more. "No one has, Percy," he said, but then added. "Yet, at least."

Everyone snapped their attention to Chaos with wide eyes, apart from Percy who sighed.

"Is it finally my death sentence, cause the Olympians need my help again, by any chance?" Percy joked in a bored tone, while he twirled a normal pen between his fingers.

Chaos bit his lip. How was he meant to reply to that, when he knew it was actually true?

Without Chaos replying Percy looked at him across the table quickly in alarm.

Then he saw Chaos biting his lip and probably thinking of a way to to tell him that he had to go back to...

"You have got to be kidding me." Percy's voice was so fierce, everyone at the table flinched.

"Perseus, there is another war coming, and they can't possibly win it without our help... especially yours," Chaos tried to explain.

Percy stared at Chaos blankly, his expression didn't show his jokey personality which made everyone worried. The pen fell out of his hand and onto the table.

"Percy?" asked a very worried Zoë. "Are you okay?"

Percy became kind of like a brother to her, and she became like his sister.

They did lots of stuff together, and they love each other like siblings. She was very worried.

Percy didn't answer, his mind went back to all the good stuff that happened during his life on Earth:

How he was born and how his life started. He saw how his mother raised him, always with a smile on her face. How he met his friends at Camp.

How he got the lighting bolt back safely. How he met his father for the first time.

How he met Tyson, and how him and his friends got the Golden Fleece. How Thalia woke up from being a tree and how they joked around with each other.

How he met a very childish and young Nico, with his sister, Bianca. How he met Zoë and the hunters.

How he beat the titans curse. How he traveled the labyrinth, was kissed by Annabeth, and met Calypso.

The time when he joked around with Beckondorf after Rachel kissed him. How he talked to Silena after he came back to camp after the mission.

How he joked with Michael in the middle of battle with the titans, and as he helped Luke end the titan war.

He then thought how he had a little free time after the titan war. How he then met the Romans.

How he got to meet, the daughter of Bellona, and the Praetor of the twelfth legion, Reyna. The son of Brachus, who was addicted to cool-aid, Dakota.

The assassin called Cedmi. [UNDER MAJOR EDITING]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant