Chapter 35 ~ the sea and its god.

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Camp Half-Blood. 

Percy walked towards the Chaos cabin, as he looked at the beautiful moon and the stars that shone in the night sky.

It was well past midnight, so he had to keep quite, so that the harpies wouldn't eat him. Not that they could even catch him.

Still, he didn't want to catch anyone's attention. Percy walked out the woods, and saw the cabins.

He watched, as Thalia and Nico, both sneaked into their own cabins, before he started sneaking towards the Chaos cabin.

He stood behind the Chaos cabin, and then looked over at the sea. He smiled, and decided to visit the camp beach, before going went back to the Chaos cabin.

Percy walked towards the beach and with a smile, he observed his surrounding. He missed camp, and the beauty of it.

The second Percy felt sand beneath his shoes, the strong sea breeze hit him.

Percy inhaled the scent of the sea, and walked closer to the water. He sat on the soft sand and watched in the light of the moon, as the waves moved peacefully.

Percy closed his eyes and enjoyed the peace, a thing he hadn't had much of since he got here.

"Do you mind if I join you?" a sudden voice of someone broke him out of his thoughts.

Percy turned his head, and looked at the person who did it. Poseidon... Cedmi blinked a few times, before he composed himself.

He remembered what Nico and Thalia told him earlier; everyone that betrayed him was influenced by magic.

Cedmi shook his head, still looking up at his... ex-father. "No, I don't mind," he told him.

Poseidon nodded and sat on the soft sand next to Cedmi. Both of them watched the peaceful waves and they were both lost in their own thoughts.

Cedmi noticed that the sea didn't look as blue like it used to. It was more grey now and murky like it has lost all of its happiness.

Poseidon looked over at the assassin. "What brings you here at this late of an hour, commander Cedmi?" he wondered.

Cedmi frowned. "It's just Cedmi, Lord Poseidon. And I could ask you the same thing?" He looked over at him.

Poseidon frowned. "Just call me Poseidon, please. And I'm here... to think," he told him and looked back at the waves.

Cedmi sighed. "Yes, so am I. Water always seems to calm me down, and it's a beautiful sight, watching the waves move in the moonlight."

Poseidon nodded and then sighed. "You are the assassin that has traveled the universe and all the planets, aren't you?" he said hopefully, just to make that fact a hundred percent true.

Cedmi nodded and looked over at him. "Yeah, I was on the run for two hundred and sixteen years before I joined the Chaos Army." He watched as Poseidon got thoughtful.

Finally, Poseidon sighed. "Have you by any chance seen my son... his name in Percy Jackson?"

Cedmi's eyes widened at that question and once again he was thankful for his cloak. He looked over and met Poseidon's hopeful, but broken eyes.

He now saw how tired he looked. His hair was a mix between grey and white, instead of his jet black. He seemed to have aged a bit and his skin was a lot more paler.

He realised why the sea looked so sad. It's because Poseidon looked like he was depressed.

How was he meant to reply? Should he lie? Or should he tell him the truth? He looked into these broken eyes. Why are they so broken?

It is because he's gone?

Cedmi didn't know what to think. So he couldn't give a simple answer. "What would you like my answer to be... Poseidon?"

It was weird for him to call his ex-father by his name, as for many years it was just father, or dad.

Poseidon smiled sadly. "It would make me happy if it was a yes." He wanted to find Percy more than anything in the word.

Cedmj also smiled sadly. "And if you don't mind me asking, then why would that make you happy?" He waited patiently for an answer.

Poseidon's face showed determination now. "Because I would do anything to find him," he told the assassin without hesitation.

Cedmi was shocked at his answer. He didn't know how to reply, only one word kept going through this head.

"Anything?" he repeated Poseidon's words.

Poseidon nodded. "Anything and everything." His eyes held determination for finding Percy.

Cedmi sighed, too quietly for Poseidon to hear. He looked into Poseidon's eyes again.

"Then I can tell you, that I have seen Percy." It wasn't a lie. He sees himself practically ever single day in the mirror or something like that.

Poseidon's eyes shone more hopefully now. "How is he?" he wondered.

Cedmi smiled. "He is fine and he is happy." He knew these words would make his ex-father relax a bit.

And they did. He watched as Poseidon seemed to get a bit younger. His skin slowly returned to his tanned old tone and his hair seemed to go jet black again.

The sea looked so much bluer and much more happier and livelier.

Poseidon smiled sadly. "Do you know where he is?" he asked the question that he wanted to know the answer to, ever since Percy disappeared.

Cednu thought how to answer that question. He wants to tell Hades and Hestia that he's here as fast as possible... but can he tell Poseidon?

Cedmi shook his head. "I'm sorry, I don't know where he is right now," he lied.

He didn't like to, but he had to. He then looked back at the cabins and sighed.

"I think I should head back, I've just been kidnapped yesterday, so the other commanders and Chaos would get worried if any of them woke up now, to find me gone." He smiled.

Poseidon frowned. "Someone kidnapped you?" he questioned.

Cedmi got up from the sat, and straightened his back. He then sighed, and looked down at Poseidon. "Yes, I was kidnapped by the Fates for a while."

Poseidon's eyes widened in shock. "Really?" he asked.

Cedmi chuckled. "Yeah, really. They said it was my fate for them to take me away for that time... and, well they did it." He chuckled again.

Poseidon also got up and dusted the sand off of him. He then looked back at Cedmi.

"Well then, I will see you soon, commander Cedmi," Poseidon said. He smirked a bit, as he saw Cedmi frown.

Cedmi frowned. He looked at Poseidon's face and saw a little smirk on it. He smirked too.

"Yes, we will see each other soon, Lord Poseidon." He then bowed, and walked away from the camp beach.

Percy walked into the Chaos cabin, and sighed a sign of relief, when all of his friends were still asleep.

Unable to sleep himself, Percy went into the little library the Chaos cabin has and decided to read a book, which he enjoys doing nowadays.

The assassin called Cedmi. [UNDER MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now