Chapter 3

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I grabbed Tom and carried him to my ‘Throne’,I placed him to the throne gently so he wouldn't get hurt,He gulped sweating nervously looking straight down.I sighed angrily crossing my arms,Seeing my wife like this makes me irritated.I grabbed Tom's shoulders making him tensed up “Tom are you okay?”I said,He looked at me with his digital eyes “L-let me go!!”He said while squirming making my hands let go.

I was about to comfort him until someone opened the door not knocking,I saw Pau in the entrance looking kind of nervous.Pau breathed “Sir!There's a soldier who shot another soldier!”He screamed,Tom tensed up again hearing the word “Shot” is a very unnerving word.I grumpily picked up Tom from the ‘Throne’ and placed him in my back,We began to walk towards a  room with dark red walls with nothing but a chair at the center.We walked in the room dropping Tom in the ground gently,I ordered Pau to look after Tom until i finished the job.

I walked towards the guy who Pau was talking about,He was sitting in the chair sweating and shaking.I ordered him to look towards me and he did what i said,I look to see Tom there squirming,Good.I go to the left side of  the soldier and pointed the gun on his head,I grinned towards Tom who was looking “So thomas,”I started “If you ever tried to escape and leave me or even disobey me,”I put my finger on the trigger “This will happen to you.”I pulled the trigger to see his brain blown up,Blood splattered everywhere even in my clothes.

Tom stood there with wide eyes,i sighed and walked towards him.I took his hand and we walk out the room “Pau,clean the mess up”I ordered,He saluted and called soldiers to help him.Me and Tom walk towards again in my office,i can see him with a blank expression looking down.We walked inside the office and i said to him to sit down in one of the chairs infront of mine,He sat down still looking at the floor.I sat on my Throne and looked at him,“Tom,i need you to sign this contract.You have no options to say No,Do you understand?”I said as i held a paper with a pen.He nodded and signed the paper i have shown him,I smiled and held his two soft and warm little hands “Oh thomas,i hope you know how much i love you”I said kissing his hands,He looked at me still with a blank expression.

Short that was very short.

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