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As said I showed up at Zion's house, well I followed his car to his house.

I stopped my car and walked to Zion, bumping into him causing him to glare at me. I smile at him cheekily.

He shook his head and opened the door with his keys. "Zion!" Zephyr gasped as he sees me and pulls me into a tight hug. He was taller than me by two inches already, "Hey, Zephyr! I missed you." He pulls away just a bit, "Clem! I missed you so so much! Even, Zack!" He squealed and I grinned.

Zion nudged his brothers shoulder.

I watched as Zephyr grinned and went to hug Zion making me smile. Zion and him hugged,   Zion kissed the top of his head. "Zack! Zack! Clem is here!" I heard quick feet coming from the kitchen and in comes Zack, dirty again. He jumps into my arms and I catch him.

"Look at you, Zack. How do you get so dirty?!" I squeak, he shrugs and puts his head on my shoulder. I look to Zion who watches me carefully.

I sigh, "Clean me. I'm gonna set everything up." Zack whines as Zion takes him out of my arms.

Zephyr helps me set up a study cubby. We made a little fort with the couch pillows and blankets we could find. Zephyr giggled, "This is so cool, Clem!" I smiled at how excited he was. "I know. You and your brother could do this together and watch movies." His eyes sparkled at that.

"E-even Zeppelin and Zion?!" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Who's-" Zion pops his head in just as a squeaky clean Zack comes barreling into my arms, grinning from ear to ear.

"Zion...he's not wearing a shirt." Zion shrugs and mushed us. His shirt soaking wet, and he's wearing joggers instead of the black jeans he had on earlier. "He couldn't stop kicking." Zack stayed on Zion's lap while Zephyr laid his head in my lap as he watched a movie.

"Yes, that's a perfect body paragraph. Now just two more, and a conclusion and we'll be done." He gives me a bland look causing me to laugh.

"Okay, well do that later. Mr Erickson is giving you guys like two weeks I believe. What else do you got for me, Woods?" Zion smirks but before he can answer Zephyr tugs my hand causing me to look down.

"Have you ever been in love, Clem?" My eyes widened at the question. "Z, don't ask questions like that." Zion scolds making Zephyr pout. "S-sorry, Clem." I wave it off, clearing my throat.

"Um, I don't think so. Not real love that is." Zephyr blinks. "Real love?" He questions. I laugh, "I know, it doesn't make sense but when you're older it will. See, I've liked someone very much before but I never got to know them and they've never got to know me." I said softly and he nods, putting his thumb in his mouth.

"Oh." He mumbles and looks back to the large flat screen causing me to chuckle.

The two boys fall asleep and Zion and I slowly get out of the fort.

Zion helps me, pulling me into his chest as he holds my hand. "Thank you." It's a long silence and I look down at my Halloween themed socks before I look back up, my hair getting in my face. "Wanna listen to some cool music?"

We went to another living room type thing and I played Zion to some music. "How do you even dance to this?" He says scrunching his nose. I giggle, standing up and tugging at my leggings. "I'll show you." I started to spin around, giggling and holding my hands up above my head and started to sing softly but my giggles got in the way.

I stopped spinning and started to sway my hips. "I'm done crying over her!" I sang, bouncing on one foot and switching to the other. Flinging my hair side to side, I laugh loudly as Zion shakes his head chuckling. I walk over to him grabbing his hands, "Dance with me." I say tugging his hands but he shakes his head no.

"Sorry, Clementine. I don't dance." I pout, I give a tug and he tugs right back causing me to fall next to him.

"My turn." I roll my eyes as he plays rap. "Of course." I say, all the popular people listened to rap. I understand if you listen to old school rap, and yeah some of these days rappers are good but not the ones that everyone seemed to rage for.

He smirked. "It's better than your indie stuff, Mi amore." I knew what that means but I kept my mouth shut, ignoring the flutter in my heart.

"Okay. And how do you dance to this?" He smirks, "There's many ways." I roll my eyes. "Mhmm. This is all you've got? Really, Zion?" He stares into my eyes before he pokes his cheek with his tongue, smirking.

"If you tell anyone I like this type of music...I'm killing you." I perk up, excited.

I grin as he plays Micheal Jackson, and all the good 80's music. I jump on him, shaking his shoulders. "You're kidding. I absolutely love old school music." He narrows his eyes at me, with an amused glint on them.

"Are you being sarcastic, mi amore?" I shake my head smiling. "No, you can even ask my mom." I say with a laugh. His hand holds my lower back, his other laid on my thigh.

"And I know how to dance to this and I'm pretty sure you do too." He rolls his eyes with a faint smile on his lips.

I roll off of him quickly when Zion taps me on my thigh. Zack's looking at us with a sly grin on his small face. He skips over to us and takes a seat in between us.

"Zack! Dance with me." I say and he giggles, I take his hand and we dance around. I laugh as he shakes his little behind causing Zion to laugh but cover it with his hand. Zephyr walks in and the three of us dance.

I ignore Zion as he walks away, probably embarrassed like Haley would be right now.

I laugh as Zephyr twirls me around.

I let out a gasp as I see Zion with a small video camera pointing, I quickly duck down and cover my face. "Zion!" Zack and Zephyr giggle. "Keep dancing." Zion says amused, I shake my head, looking through the silts of my fingers. His eyes are on the camera that's still pointed at me.

"Get up." He says and I shake my head. "No!"

"Clementine! Get up and dance!" I can see the smile on his face and I'm shocked. I get up making Zack and Zephyr clap.

"Fine but you better not show this to anyone." I say to him and the camera.

He smirks, nodding.

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