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I nervously sit on my brothers bunk beds, Kyle showing me all his new video games and Pokémon cards.

Andre was still teasing me, along with his sister Elisa.

"Do you love him?" Andre asks his nose turned up. I laughed, "I like him, a lot." I admit, the three kids squeal and giggle causing me to laugh with them. "That's weird." I roll my eyes. "Oh please, Andre I know you still like that one girl. What was her name? Kelsey?" His olive skin burns with a blush and I smirk.

Soon the door is opened, my dad's girlfriend of ten years popping her head in. "Dinner is ready." I quickly stand up pushing past her and turning the corner of the hallway, my dad and Zion laughing.

That was a good sign since the laugh my dad let out wasn't a fake one. "I didn't know your boy was from Brooklyn." My eyes widened. "Oh so you didn't either, Clementine?" I shook my head no, taking a seat between the two men. "No," I answer softly and my dad smirks.

"Well I was here to ask if I can start courting your daughter." My dad was surprised with his words.

"That's very old school. I like that." He chuckles, rubbing his greying beard.

He looks down to me and I bite my lip, "Has he met your brother?" I shook my head no. "He doesn't need to." I say bitterly and my dad chuckles shaking his head. "I'll let you do that. All I know is you better not be dumb when it comes to my daughter and her future. School means everything in this house so if I see her grades drop you get dropped too."

Zion smirks at that and nods understandingly.

"Of course." Dad claps his hand, shaking it. "Alright, let's eat."

I clench my jaw as Erica, my dad's girlfriend openly flirts with Zion. "You're so handsome, what are you doing with Clementine?" Both me and my dad roll our eyes. Understand that me and my father are very much alike and get along very good but where I still have faith in the earth and am happy my dad is the opposite.

Zion chuckles, throwing his arm over my shoulder. "She's something you can only get once." He says and I blush, Kyle gags. "That was wack and corny." I choke, bursting out laughing.

Kyle grins happy that he could make his big sister laugh.

I look at my phone, I live quite a ways from my dad. About an hour and a half so we would have to leave now if we wanted to get back home at an reasonable time. "Okay dad, we have to go." Dad nods and stands up. Both me and Zion say goodbye, Erica holding onto Zion a little longer for my liking.

After her claws contracted back in I wrapped my arms around him, kissing his lips. "Ready, babe?" I asked and he smirked, playfully rolling his eyes.

Zion sat in the driver side of the car as dad hugged me tightly. "I love you." He tells me and I look up at him. "I love you too, dad." He smirks and kisses my cheek. "Be careful." He didn't just mean driving back home. I nodded, squeezing his hand as I walked away to the car. I waved bye to the boys.

"Your father was telling me how you wanted to be a fashion designer when you were younger." I blushed, nodding my head. "And you still do." Zion said glancing at me with a playful smirk. I laughed, "Kind of. My dad told me that wasn't reliable. It wasn't school smart." I say sadly, that was another thing my father and I bumped heads about.

Zion rubs my leg, I narrow my eyes on him.

"Why didn't you tell me you're from New York." He smiles, "Why didn't you tell me you were born there?" I crossed my arms over my chest. "I asked you first." He poked his tongue through his cheek smirking. "Well, it never came up. But yeah, I was born in Brooklyn and left to Chicago when I was ten."

"I left when I was four but I would always visit my grandma." I say solemnly. "Okay! Let's ask each other questions." I tell him cutting off the music. "Alright, I'll go." Zion says and I nod. "When did you have your first kiss?" I glared at him, typical. "I was sixteen." I mumbled. His eyes widened, "So last year." I nod quickly. "Yes, any-who. Have you ever owned a pet?" He smiles.

"Yes, I owned a dog his name was Tank and he was huge. He was a Great Dane." He informs and I smile.

"Why do you hate your older brother so much?" I frown. "Because he treats my mom like crap. What's your favorite movie?" I ask ignoring the question after answering it. "No Country For Old Men. How would you describe the way I kiss?" My face heats up.

"It depends." I say softly, his eyes light up.
"How so?" He says huskily.
"I don't know...sometimes you kiss soft, like when you're tired or after you're done staring at me. Other times it rough, fast, and hot." I say shyly. He bites his lip, his grip tightening on the steering wheel.

"Have you ever dreamed about me?" I ask sillily. He laughs, "Yes. In ways your little head can't imagine." This boys hormones are raging. Someone help.

"Oh?" I whisper and he smirks, chuckling darkly. "Oh." He answers.

"Tell me something you've never told anyone else." He demands. I glare, "Let me think." Even though one thing already popped in my mind. "Any moment-" I shush him. "Okay, okay. You can't tell a soul, Zion. I will kill you if you do." He laughs and nods his head.

"You know that guy..." Zion clenched his jaw. "Yes." He says lowly, "Well," I start laughing. "I got ahold of his moms number and told her everything he did so she put him in jail herself." Zion stopped. "Why would he be put in jail?" I tense, "The reason why he stopped talking to me was because I wouldn't...do something with him. So one day he brought me to this hotel he was in, and he was close to sexually assaulting me. He was kissing me and I told him I didn't want to do anything like that with him."

I sighed, "So he pushed me out and left me alone."

Zion cursed and shook his head. "If I ever see it I'm smashing his head in the floor." I laughed. "My turn," I said after awhile. "When did you realize you liked me." I said batting my eyelashes. He smiled, "When I realized it was actually real, when you were at my game. I saw you cheering for me with Zephyr and Zack, and then when I saw you asleep on the couch with the boys I was hooked."

"My turn," He says darkly, the car stopping. "Where's your favorite place to be kissed?"




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