The Dance

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The days flew by, and before Lucy knew it, it was the night of the dance. She and Natsu had walked home together, and he'd rambled on and on about how Lisanna was going to look so nice and he was wearing a suit and how they would slow dance. Lucy just nodded along, eyes on the sidewalk, trying not to cry.

He didn't come over that night—too busy getting ready for the dance, he'd said. So Lucy made her way up to her room alone, heart aching and body heavy. Her dad noticed, asking if she was okay; she said she didn't want to talk about it.

She laid in bed and put a movie on.

A couple hours later—the sun was beginning to set—that little can strung over her window sill began to echo out some noise. Without even being aware of it, her lips spread into a grin; she tossed her laptop to the side and headed to the window. She grabbed the can.

"Natsu?" Her eyes flickered to the window across from hers, and instantly, her heart fell.

There he was, wearing a crisp suit. His hair was still messy and his tie was lopsided, but he looked as handsome as ever; he flashed her his little lopsided grin. Any chance of her only having friendly feelings for him vanished within the second.

He spoke into the can on his side. "How do I look, Luce?"

The blonde sucked in a breath, eyes flickering over him again. How could someone be that adorable? Knowing that he was going like that with someone made her stomach drop, as if it were filled with lead. "You look nice."

"You too," He replied sarcastically, looking at her baseball t-shirt and sweatpants. "Aren't you gonna get ready for the dance?"

"Oh," Lucy responded, chest aching. She tried to play it off casually. "Eh, I don't think I'll go."


She shrugged, ponytail swishing against her shoulder. "It sounds boring." She hoped he didn't pick up on her lies.

The fact that she was even lying to him in the first place stung her chest a bit—they'd pinky promised to never lie to one another. But what other choice did she have? Tell him the truth? Tell him that she liked him, that she thought he was handsome, and that she wanted him to blow off Lisanna and take her instead?

She could never tell him that. It would ruin everything.

Natsu's face dropped. "You didn't ask anyone?"


"You should still come."

Lucy sighed. "I don't think so, Natsu..."

The silence settled between them, and he changed the topic. "Is my tie straight?"

Lucy gave him a little smile. "Bring it more to your left."

He adjusted it according to her instructions.

"There," Lucy said, voice a bit more showing of her true emotions than she would have preferred. "Perfect."

Natsu glanced back, looking at the clock on his bedroom wall. "Well, I better get going—I'm picking Lisanna up."

They met eyes, and for a split second, Natsu almost looked...sad. Like he understood everything Lucy was feeling. But the instant she'd seen his expression, the instant it had disappeared, his normal cheerful grin plastered on his lips.

"Seeya," Lucy muttered into the can.

"I'll talk to you when I get back!" He said, giving a wave.

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