Epilogue: Jude Is Stressed But Life Is Good

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A/N:  I've gotten a lot of questions about an epilogue for this story, and I've never been able to come up with anything worthwhile. But some of you really wanted this, so here it is! I wrote this in half an hour, so be prepared for nonsense and bad grammar, but oh well. I just needed a little more of my 'One of the Boys' Natsu and Lucy, and here they are, in all their glory.

I just wanted to say, I loved writing this piece, even with all of the struggles that have come along with it: death threats from some anti-Lisanna people (really!! not a joke. they were very upset with the idea of Natsu possibly dating Natsu in like, chapter three.), as well as my story being stolen and reposted online. Despite the annoyances here and there,  it was fun and light and random but it was everything I needed to write at the time. I hope you guys liked it. It meant a lot to me! Please feel free to review, comment, message me about future story ideas or even just about your life. Let's be friends!

"Jesus—fuckin' hell, Luce, fuck—" A voice grunted, a couple bangs against the wall filling the gaps as it sucked in heavy breaths, "Open you're goddamn window, I swear to god."

Lucy sat up in her bed, eyes wide. "Natsu?" She hissed, trying to keep her voice low so her father didn't hear anything and get suspicious.

"Yes, Natsu! Who else would be climbing through your window at three in the morning?"

Lucy hauled herself out of bed, padding over to the window where the pink haired boy was so elegantly caught. His right leg and arm had managed to winch themselves through the small gap between the window and the window sill, but his left side was still flailing freely from the second story height, nothing to grab on to. A snort of laughter bubbled its way up her throat, and she couldn't help but laugh at the boy.

"I dunno," Lucy responded, smirking at Natsu. "Murderers, kidnappers? There's lots of options."

Natsu rolled his eyes, mumbling under his breath, "Oh, so you're a comedian now. That's real funny."

Lucy grabbed his hand so he wouldn't fall and shoved the window up the entire way; she hauled the boy in, tugging on his arm until he fell through the gap, sprawling out on her wooden floor. He was breathing hard—he must've been struggling, trying not to fall to his imminent death from her partially closed window—but had a little smile on his lips.

"What're you doing here?" Lucy asked, shaking her head at him.

Natsu beamed up at her, giving her his typical bright grin. "Came to visit ya."

"And you couldn't go through the front door, like a normal human being?"

"Yeah, yeah, Luce," Natsu said sarcastically, hauling himself up to a sitting position; his dark eyes locked onto hers. "That's a perfect plan. Walk right through you're front door, right past your dad's bedroom. He'd hear me because I'm a loud idiot, and I'd be banned for life. Great idea. How'd I forget about that?"

Lucy crossed her arms. "Oh, right," She pouted. "I forgot that you're not allowed over after ten anymore. Or up here, for that matter."

Natsu shrugged, letting out a sigh and hopping up to his feet. "I was bored, and you couldn't hear me screaming at you through the can, so I figured I'd come visit."

"You know my dad will kill you if he sees you, right?"

"Well, then he won't see me. Problem solved."

Lucy shook her head, rolling her eyes. "You're bad." Still, she couldn't help but blush.

They'd been dating for a couple months, now, and things hadn't ever been better. She was in absolute paradise; she was dating the boy she'd been in love with since she was five years old, and they lived right next door to one another. Not to mention, they were best friends. They never ran out of things to talk about.

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