Get off of my Back

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White Lily's Point of View:

I couldn't tell how long I was out but, I was wakened by a loud sound that came from a strange weapon. I look around me to see I have been on a horse with a different type of man in odd clothing and see that the men have switch us for some reason and I look around to what seems to be a nightmare campsite.

Looking at the horses; they look miserable.

I look to the person who seems to be the leader of these men "What seems to be the problem, gentlemen?" he says.

"We got this crazy one here, Sir" one of the men said.

"Really?" the leader said as he approached my brother.

"The army has dealt with wild horses, before. This one will be no different" he added as placed his stick under my brother's chin and then I watched as Spirit grabbed his stick and snapped it with his teeth.

Spirit's Point of View:

I remember the first time I saw a rattler curled up in my path

"Induct this animal, Sargent" the colonel said.

"Yes Sir," the man next to him said.

This one didn't look like a rattler.

But I was still thinking... Snake.

As they were dragging me to who knows where. They took Lily to a pole and tided her down to where she's sitting and is able to have a good look to where I'm at. As they're tying me up as well.

"Grab him!" one man said.

"Okay Murphy, he's all yours" I snarled scaring the man a little.
"He's a wild one" he added.

"We'll see how wild he is, when I am done with him" another man said as he came out of the shaded area and approached me.

"You want a fight, do you? Right" he said as he was putting his hand towards me and I bite it making him back off.

"Make sure that's good tight" Murphy said. He starting cleaning the dirt out of my hooves and it gave me a shot at using my back legs to hit him.

"Murphy, look out! Watch out!" the men said when I kicked him to the ground.

After all the attempts that he has tried to keep me down. Ended unsuccessfully for him but, victory for me. I can hear several horses neighing in laughter as I look at my sister who is still tied down but, smiling and laughing to.

"Corporal, round up some volunteers to take this animal to the stables" one of the men said before the colonel came into the conversation"Not the stables" he said.

"Sir?" the Sargent questioned.

"The corral. It's time to break that horse" the colonel said.

After all the men that have tried to ride me have failed. I ran around the corral up to the fence scarring the men as though I was about to charge over them. Then I ran up to the colonel where I was face to face with him as he was showing no sign of fear.

"Sargent!" he called.

"Yes Sir" the Sargent said.

"Tight this horse to the post. No food or water. Three days." he commanded.

"Yes Sir" the Sargent said.

After saying that I wonder if I can go or live three days without food and water.

My heart galloped through the sky that night back to my herd.

Where me and Lily belonged.

And wondered if they'd miss us as much as we miss them.

White Lily's Point of View:

After, looking up at the sky I look at my brother as he to was looking up at the sky and both had the thought of being back home with mother and the herd.

Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron(Little Creek Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now