Leaving or Staying?

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White Lily's Point of View:

I started to walk towards Spirit's stable to see something unremarkable. I see Little Creek opening the gate and it looks like he's setting my brother free. What was unusual was why? And from the slap to Spirit to make him run for the hills makes me question why? As Spirit runs for the hills and is probably going to find Rain. I start running towards Little Creek as he's coming my way

"Hey, what was that all about? Are you letting my brother go?" I questioned him as we're walking towards the village.

"Yes, I'm letting him go and the same with you. You two better go home" he replied.

Surprised yet shocked "But, what if I don't want to go home? I want to stay here with you".

He stopped and was surprised at what I was saying "You want to stay here? With me? Why? What about your brother and your family?" he asked.

"My brother and family will always be my family and I will miss very much but, this is where I belong" I said. "That is if you accept me to be here if not I'll go and you'll never see me again" I added.

"Of course, I accept you and so does everyone else in the village" he says as he grabs both my hands and there in his before pulling me into a hug.

Spirit's Point of View:

I gallop up the hills to where Rain was at and told her the news. Her reaction was shocked yet unexpected, I wanted her to come with and Lily to our home. But yet she didn't want to because she knows that her home is here. I let her know that everything is going to be alright.

Then, We both felt and unknown presence and ran quickly to the hill to where we can see the village. And see danger heading their way and I see the Colonel and his men on their horses going in for the attack.

Me and Rain quickly run to the village and Rain runs ahead of me when we enter the village, it's already chaos and I lose Rain. I look around for her and don't see her until, one of the huts falls over and I see Rain with both Little Creek and Rain riding on her back as they try to protect the village and people.

I see them heading towards the Colonel and his men near the river and just when Rain falls back the gun goes off and then Little Creek along with Lily and Rain fall into the river.

I quickly run towards the Colonel was he was about to fire his gun again. I knocked him over and see both Lily and Little Creek holding onto the rock while Rain drifts off down the river and I run to get ahead of her in order to save her.

I jump into the water and quickly get through the rapid waves and managed to get Rain on my back and tried to swim but the waves were to strong and once we went over the waterfall she ended up falling off my back as we both underwater.

I resurfaced in search for Rain to see laying along the shore and I quickly galloped towards her wanting to get up but see that she is badly injured. Scared and sad as I was and feel like I couldn't help as I wanted to so I went behind her and I laid beside her that night. Hoping, praying that somehow she would be okay.

"There are a couple of horses over there!" I heard as I was awaken by the sound of the two legs coming our way and was scared and angry that they would do anything to harm her and that I should keep her safe.

I snarled angrily at them trying to make them back off but that didn't work because the next thing I know they tossed their ropes around my neck and was pulling me away from Rain.

"Leave her there. She's not gonna make it" one of the two legged men said as the were dragging me away from her and to where ever they were taking me.

Little Creek's Point of View:

Me and Lily managed to get out of the rapid tides from the river above and make our way to the bottom of the waterfall and hide behind a giant rock while more soldiers there down here as well and took Lily's brother captive. Lucky for her as much as she wanted to stop them she couldn't because it would be to risky.

Once they were far away enough me and Lily made our way towards Rain.

"Rain! Easy girl. Easy. It will be okay" I said to her as Lily was holding her head from behind.

I looked behind Rain and Lily to still see Spirit from afar but at good distance "You saved my life" I said.

Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron(Little Creek Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now