The Kiss

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"Arnav ji! Let go of my hair!", Khushi squealed when he held on to her long plait as she tried to run. 

"You're hurting me!" she lied. Blowing her fringe out of her face, she tried to give him her fiercest glare.

Arnav gulped. There was that look again. She thought it made her look intimidating but it only made her look.. fiercely attractive to him. How could she be so unaware of the havoc she created inside him? He let go of her hair. 

Khushi knew she'd have to be quick so she dashed towards the door of the poolside but Arnav was too fast for her. He managed to put his hand across her and banged the glass door shut. Smirking at the satisfying noise that meant she had nowhere to escape, he loomed over her and bent closer. Her breathing had become heavier and her eyes kept darting towards the door. 

"What exactly have you been doing in my room?"

Startled, she looked up at him. How long had he been watching? Her mind racing, she tried to think of any excuse she could throw at him. Anything to keep him away from his cupboard.

"I.. I was.. er.. keeping your clothes inside. The.. um.. freshly laundered ones. Hari Prakash ji is very busy today and.. I thought.. I thought I'd help him! Yes! That's what I was doing!" she sighed, surprised and glad that she thought of that. She was still smiling when she looked up at him. His molten eyes were boring into hers and she found it hard to look away.

"Is that really what you were doing?"

"No.. Yes..! Of-course! What else? Just.. the clothes.."

"Let's see then, call we?"

He bodily turned her towards the cupboard feeling very aware of her waist that fit perfectly in his hand.

Opening the cupboard, he saw a small box of what looked like cake. He opened it to find a chocolate one with the words "Don't worry, it's sugar-free!" written on the top with icing. He almost smiled.

"You know about the launch?"

"Um yeah, Di mentioned it to me last week. She said that's what has been keeping you busy all week. So I thought I'd get you something. Because I know it's going to go really well", she said trying not to think about his arm which was still loosely holding her in place. 

He looked at her and said, "Now I think it's going to go 'really well' too."

He grinned at her and without thinking about it, kissed her cheek. 

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