Chapter 9

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"Your mother wants you to wear a blue gown." Mary, Zyta's hand maiden since she was a little girl, told the girl.

Today was Joffery's 15th name day. There was to be a feast were both the Lannister's and Baratheon's would attend, all the king's guard and everyone that worked for the king. Joffery wanted it to be a huge feast, filled with dancing, music, and entertainment. The next day they was going to be a tournament.

"I want to wear red, that's Sandor's favorite color on me." Zyta answered. She went to her vanity and started to put necklaces against her chest, seeing which one looked the best. She decided on a Ruby one, just one small jewel on a gold chain. "Please make it so it's resting in the middle of my collar bones."

Mary looked weary at the girl before doing what she asked. When Mary was 15 she started taking care of Zyta and she knows almost everything about the girl. 17 years later, Mary soon realized that Zyta was getting interested in men, especially this Sandor.

"What's he like?" Mary question fastening the necklace around Zyta's neck. Zyta turned and have her a confused look, "Sandor, what's he like?"

"Oh," Zyta paused and thought of words, "well he's very tall and big. On the older side but that's okay because I'm on the younger side. He's rough, doesn't let a lot of people in. But he can be sweet. Very blunt about most things. Loyal. Yes, extremely loyal."

"Has he let you in yet?"

"No, and I haven't let him in either."


Zyta had picked a dress that was crimson in color. It showed her shoulders and the tops of her breasts. It was tight fitting, her waist and ass were clearly defined. The dress flowed down, covering her feet. She wore no bracelets, earrings, or rings, only the tight fitting necklace. Her long black hair was down, the front pieces braided and pinned back, much like how her mother wears.

"Do you think mother would be mad that I didn't wear the dress she wanted me to?" Zyta asked Mary.

"No, it's the Lannister's color. She might be angry with how low cut and tight it is."

"Oh she'll get over it." Zyta slipped on her pair of black boots and checked herself over in the mirror again. "Shall we get going?"

"You're going to be the death of me."


Zyta felt eyes on her as she took her seat next to her sister Myrcella. Food was served and everyone started eating. Zyta found herself looking for Sandor but couldn't find him. She knew he was here and she just hoped that he didn't have to guard Joffery.

"My beautiful granddaughter, how are you?" Tywin Lannister said. Zyta didn't look up until Myrcella tapped her. "Do you have an answer?"

"I am great grandfather. How are you doing?"

"Have you thought of a husband yet?" Tywin didn't answer the question, but stated his own.

"I gave a little thought in that matter."

"You are 17, any older no one would want to marry you."

"Father, Zyta will get a husband." Jaime said, saving his niece from saying something she didn't mean.

"Your father shouldn't let you choose. There is benefits of marrying a King's daughter off."

"My father is king, whatever he says go. It is not your choice." Zyta pushed her chair back and got up from the table, ignoring the calls from her family. She once again felt eyes on her when she left the hall.

She started to walk around the castle, going no where special. She started to hum a song. She ran her fingers against the stone walls, wondering if the Mad King did the same thing.

"What the fuck are you doing little flower?" Zyta yelped as she ran straight into The Hounds chest. She felt his eyes go up and down her body. A blush crept to her face.

"I left the feast. It's so stupid!" Zyta exclaimed, she looked up at Sandor and found that he's eyes were on her breasts. When he finally looked up, a smile formed on his lips.

"You look beautiful Princess."

"Thank you. Why weren't you there?"

"Big crowds aren't my thing." The two of them started walking out to the gardens, a place that made both of them happy. "Why aren't you there?"

"My grandfather said that if I don't marry now that in a couple of years no one would want to marry me. Said that it's stupid of my father to let me choose."

Sandor looked down at Zyta and said the first thing that came to mind, "Tywin's a cunt."

"Yes he is." Zyta agreed. The two of them found a bench and sat down. "Can I ask you something?"

"Yes little flower, ask anything." Sandor replied. He picked a flower next to him, a red rose, he wanted to give it to Zyta to make her feel better but he wanted to hear the question first.

"How did you get the scars?"

That was the one question that Sandor was hoping she wouldn't ask. "I was around age 5 and I was playing with a toy solider. My brother thought it was his, the dumb cunt didn't believe me when I said that it wasn't. He got so angry he pushed my head into the fire." Sandor paused and looked at Zyta, she was looking up at the moon. "My father said that my bedding caught fire, didn't want people to know what really happened. I still can smell it, I think the smell is worse than the pain."

"Did he ever say sorry?" Zyta questioned.

"No, and I don't want him to." Sandor handed Zyta the red rose with a genuine smile of his face and started to speak his mind. "You can be 40 and people would still want to marry you. Not because of some fucking last name but because your personalty. Don't force finding a husband. Not every girl gets to pick their husband."

"What if I already found someone that I want to marry?"

"Then you tell them, someone would be stupid not to say yes to you." Sandor was hoping that the man she wanted to marry was him. But he knew she could rule the seven kingdoms one day, rule multiple cities and empire and everyone would love her. Why would she pick him out of everybody she could have?

"Well, kiss me then." Zyta shot back.

Sandor thought he heard her wrong, "what?"

"I said kiss me." And in a instant Zyta put her lips on his. They were soft, warm, and welcoming. Soon though, Sandor took over. Sandor pushed his tongue into her mouth, Zyta giving him all the power. The kiss went on like this for minutes but when they broke it only felt like half a second.

"Who taught you how to kiss like that?" That was Sandor's first question.

"I'm not that innocent. Come on, walk me to my bed chambers, it's getting late."

Sandor watched as Zyta lead the way, her ass swaying and her dress tight. He smirked to himself as she walked in front of him. When they reached the door she turned around and looked at him. But he beat her to talking, "so am I invited in?"

"Yes." Zyta said with a smirk.

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