Chapter 12

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Zyta felt an odd feeling while she was walking up to her mothers chambers. Tyrion came out of know where, she wondered why her mother wanted her, hoping that it would be a quick little visit so she can go back to Sandor. 

She saw a guard at the door and nodded her head to him as he opened the door so she could go in. "Good, you're here. Sit, Little Flower." When her mother said those two little words, Zyta cringed. Little Flower sounded dirty, contaminated when her mother said it. But she kept her mouth shut and sat down. She allowed her mother to pour her a glass of wine and pull up a chair next to her. 

Cersei grabbed her daughters hand and held it. Wondering if the news was going to make her sad or make her not feel anything. Zyta was never close to Jon Aaron, the younger kids were closer to him then the older two, Cersei had to remind herself. Cersei had to reminded herself that Zyta wasn't a little girl anymore and that it was absurd that she even had to call her to her chambers to tell her that someone died. But none the less, she did. "Jon Aaron is dead." 

Zyta didn't know how to take the information, she had no idea what to think of it really. She was friendly with the man, talked to him and she let him talk about his son, but they weren't close. "How?" 

"We don't know yet. It seems like he didn't suffer any pain." Cersei replied. Cersei had her theories on how the man died but she wasn't going to share them with her Zyta, especially now that she found out that she told The Hound everything. Cersei knew that The Hound was a trustable man, but she didn't like the thought of her theories getting into the wrong ears. Cersei thought about what she had to say next and weather or not to bring it up, but it needed to be done. "We're also going to Winterfell, your father wants to ask Ned Stark to become hand of the king. You are going."

"Why do I need to go?"

"Ned Stark has a very handsome son that I want you to meet, you might like him better than The Hound." Cersei let go of her daughters hand and got up from the chair. "Your brother and sisters are going also, so don't give me that look. The dog is also going, he is Jofferys guard." 

"Don't call Sandor that!" Zyta was raising her voice before she knew what she was doing, she stood up and glared at her mother. Her mother gave her a smirk and walked to the other side of the room and looked out into the gardens, Zyta followed and saw that she could see perfectly into the gardens where Sandor and her practice, she noticed her uncle and him drinking at a table that looked to big for Tyrion and to small for Sandor. 

"I've been watching you two. Everyday at the same time, at the same place, wearing the same clothes and shoes. But your movement changed. You were a seed when you started, a thing that people step one. Now you're a Little Flower, strong but not strong enough. You need to be a rose with thrones. You can be queen one of the North one day, as long as you marry Robb Stark." 

"I don't want to marry the Stark boy, I'm not so sure I want to marry Sandor Clegane if he was to ask for my hand. And we only practice, nothing more." Zyta felt wrong lying to her mother, she knew if Sandor was to ask for her hand in marriage she would say yes. 

"And kiss each other. I see everything, remember that." Cersei turned to her daughter, a daughter that looked so much like her father and yet reminded her of herself so much. She wanted to tell her about her self at that age, about how she loved another but got traded like some cheap goat, but she didn't. She wanted her daughter to think that she had once loved her father, had once kissed her true love without hiding in some dark corridor like she does now. "When we go to Winterfell I want you to meet Robb Stark, it is not a marriage proposal. Now go to your room and pack your things, we're leaving in a days time." 

Zyta gave one final look out the window and say that Sandor wasn't there. She sighed and left her mother, wondering when she'll tell Sandor that she has to spend time with a man that's not him. 

She walked out of her mothers chambers to her own. She took the long way, asking everyone she passed if they had seen where Sandor was. When everyone came up short she just went to her own chambers. 

Walking up she saw a tall figure standing by her door, she let herself feel excited to see him, but then she let herself feel sad because she needed to tell him the truth. 

"Waiting for someone?" She asked. 

Sandor turned around and smiled at the sight, "yes, have you seen a girl with big tits and a ass the size of King's Landing?" 

Zyta blushed and lightly hit his chest. Sandor pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead. "I went and talked to your father. He answered yes to my question I had for him. Was to drunk to care really, gave me something also. Fucker said I wasn't perpared but he was." 

"And what was the question?" Zyta asked. She tried to figure out what he meant, but couldn't figure it out. 

"Zyta Baratheon, will you..." Sandor got down on one knee, his head was eye level with Zyta's chest, "make me the happiest drunk scared man in all of the seven fucking bloody kingdoms and..." he reached into his pocket and pulled out a ruby ring, "marry me?" 

"Yes!" Zyta knew it was going to be a strange marriage, but she loved him and he loved her. She was glad that he asked her before going to Winterfell. "So my father gave you the ring?" 

"Yes, he said it was going to be for Leanna Stark." 

Zyta smiled at him and rapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. When they broke they were both out of breath. "Now that we're getting married, you don't have to hold back on your... sexual urges." Zyta blushed at the awkwardness of her voice, while Sandor smirked. 

"Are you ready?" 


"Then I am to." 

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