Authors Note

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Hi guys,

Welcome to my story!

Please read with caution, there will be coarse language in this story (not sure how much, but it will pretty common!)  as well as mild sexual content (will keep this PG13), and probably some violence (not a lot)
Also a trigger warning: Lenna is sick! She's going to be throwing up, attending therapy, experiencing a lot of negative emotions towards herself and her illness! Read with caution!!!

I have done my research on Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (the cancer in this story), but of course it's hard to know what it's like when you haven't personally gone through it- which I have not. So I will try my best to get all of the symptoms and whatnot correct, and if I don't feel free to let me know, just try not to be too hard to me about it! I am trying to be accurate and I hope I am.

Also, do not steal my story!

I really hope you enjoy!

****I do not own any photo's that are in this story****

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