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A/N I'm sorryyyy!!! I've been working full time and went back to school so I know I'm late with this last chapter but here it is!!! Hope you guys enjoy :))))

Leena's POV ~ Five years later

I've come a long way. Three years ago I was lost, trying not to long for a future that I wasn't promised.

I lost my friends, I hurt my family, and I was blessed with Zach Dawson.

Even after learning that I was cured of cancer, the next years were still hard. But I had a newfound hope, I was granted with a chance at a future and I was determined to take it.

So I ate the gross healthy food, I took all the vitamins. I went to the doctor for every check up, and I worked at making my body healthier than ever.

The five years of remission were tough, but I have finally gotten my okay and I couldn't be happier.

I was just about to walk out of the hospital with Dylan and my parents when Dr. Weker shouted my name, asking to steal a moment of my attention.

No matter how antsy I was to finally walk out of this damn hospital, I of course let him pull me aside. I owe this man my life.

"Leena, I just wanted to say that I am absolutely ecstatic that you are one of the lucky ones." He starts out. "Children cancer cases always chip away at my heart, and the fact that I get to see you walk out of here today cancer free makes me a very happy man."

"Thank you so much, for everything you've done." I say as I go to give him a hug. From the way he tenses for a moment I can see he didn't expect it. Nonetheless two seconds later he's returning my embrace.

"It was my absolute pleasure."

"Alright sister, how the hell are we celebrating?" Dylan asks as we help mom with dinner. "Spontaneous trip to Vegas? Whose with me?"

"Vegas?" I question with a laugh as my mom shouts her instant disapproval.

"Not a chance, Dylan! We're having a barbecue." Mom says as she continues to prepare the burgers.

"How fun." Dylan teases with a roll of his eyes before sending me a discreet wink, letting me know he has something planned.

"Yeah well speaking of the barbecue I have to run to my place to grab some things beforehand so I'll be back in a couple of hours." I say with a smile as I kiss my moms cheek, give my dad a passing hug and dodge Dylan.

I moved out of my parents place a few years ago, needing a place to myself where I could heal and bathe in the calmness. Everything always seemed so loud.

I drove the half hour into the city to my building before rushing into the elevator and travelling up to the 12th floor.

Throwing my door open, I carelessly toss my purse onto the couch before making my way into the kitchen for a water.

I paused when I heard someone rustling around in my fridge, not knowing who it could be. I quickly grab a vase from a side table before tiptoeing into my kitchen to see who the hell is stealing my food.

As I peak into the room, the fridge door closes to reveal my stunningly handsome boyfriend.

"Zach!?" I shout with a hand over my heart and wide eyes. His dad surprised him and Riley with a boys trip to Lake Louise in Alberta so he's supposed to be gone for another 3 days.

"Hi, baby. Did you miss me?" He asks with that smirk that still gets me going and eyes filled with amusement. 

I quickly placed the vase down on the floor and ran into his arms.

His more defined face turns up into a smile as he sees me running for him, and his tattoo'd arms that just keep getting more defined open wide for me.

I jump up, wrapping my legs around his waist and arms around his neck as he holds me tightly to his body. He's been gone for the past nine days and I've missed him maybe more than I should have.

"God, I missed you." He mumbles into the crook of my neck as I place a kiss on his cheek and mumble that I missed him too.

We both slightly pull back and before I'm able to get a good look at his hypnotizing grey eyes he's kissing me and there's not much else I can think about.

Our lips move in a familiar passion that I just can't get enough of before I remember that I have news for him.

Dr. Weker called about my appointment the day after Zach left, and I knew if I told him about it he would have left his dad and brother to be with me.

I know he's going to be upset that he wasn't there, and now that I see he's home just hours after my appointment I realize he could have been. 

"I have news." I breathlessly whisper as I pull away and place my feet back on the ground, still not moving away from him even an inch.

"Mmm and what's that?" He murmurs as he tucks a strand of my long hair behind my ear before placing gentle kisses along my cheek and neck.

"Dr. Weker called me in for my five year appointment." I say as I feel him tense around me and pull back to look into my eyes.

His steely gaze hit me full force, and in that moment he was as upset as I thought he would be.

"And why the hell wasn't I there, Lenny?" He asked me, but from the use of my old nickname I can tell I had hope to redeem myself.

"He called the day after you left, and I knew you'd leave to come be here with me when you needed that time with your family."

It was true. It's around the time that his mom died and I knew he and his family helped each other around this time in a way that I couldn't.

"Yeah well I needed to be there for you too. When was the appointment and what did he say?" He asked almost as anxiously as I was while I was there.

"You're no longer dating a cancer patient, Zach Dawson."

A brilliant smile took over his face and I could tell that he couldn't possibly be angry at me right now.

He instantly picked me up and twirled me around, causing me to laugh at his silliness as I held onto him.

"Zach!" I squealed, resulting in him putting me down and hovering over me.

"I am so fucking in love with you, Lenny." He hoarsely admitted, no doubt overcome by emotions.

"I am so in love with you too."

Alrightttttt folks and there it is! PLEASE let me know what you think and do not worry there will be bonus chapters!

There's still somethings that Zach and Leena have to do and go through that I badly want to include in this book so I will :)))

I really enjoyed writing this book and I hoped you all enjoyed reading it!

I will be editing soon because lol those first few chapters are probably rough and cringey and I don't even want to read them but I will!

In the mean time check out my profile for my other book, and follow me so you'll know when I start a new story!

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