I'm sorry

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This isnt a chapter to the story...let's get that out the way. But I need a break..

It's none of you.

It's all me.

I. Ruin. Everything.

I feel like whatever I do to feel like I'm closer to my goal, I get more hate and pain inside of myself.

No matter what I do to be good enough.

The. Same. Thing. Happens.

I feel like I'm at the top of the world.

Then I get butchered and cut to pieces each time I trip or don't appease to someones' vision.

I hold it in

I cry

I get over it

Rinse. And. Repeat.

I had a dream once, just any average joe, to live life, to be successful, to make the ones I look up to proud.

But each time I try to get higher on the staircase, I just get laughed at or get compared to someone who did it faster, better, and bigger.

Then they just shove me down and forget about me, yelling and screaming being the only memories of my childhood, my tears creating an endless river of depression, guilt, and uselessness.

I can never bring myself to cut.

No matter how much I feel like crap, My body keeps me away from a knife, or even worse.


I am forever grateful to know that deep inside me knows that this won't make things easier, or painless.

Just what I always feel like.

A failure.

A mistake.

A dream that became a nightmare.

You guys are awesome, and I couldn't have asked for more perfect people to like something as worthless as me.

I don't know why I try anymore.

Sometimes I just want to run away or just end it all together.

But what will that do me?

I'll just regret it.

I wamt to make a differrence I really want to.

But when I tell people what I want to be.

They say that I'm wasting my time and should get a regular job.

To stop causing so much attention to yourself if you have no proof to back it up.

I'm wasting your time.

I'm sorry.

I need some space that's all.

I would be surprised if any of you really understand this at all.

That's ok.

I love you guys, I just wish there were more people in this world who would help people like me feel less like a waste of space.

Oh, and have fun on Halloween guys.

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