chapter 15

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'Oh that little fucker' cole said

'Hes so going to die' Lucas said

'And so is Steven' he said

'Who the fuck is adrian and steven' i hissed

'Adrians my brother stevens my dad' Aiden said

'Well let's get there and fuck them up' cole said

'Nah we need a plan' Aiden said

'They attacked us we attack harder then' i said

'I like the way you think' Aiden said

'And i may have a plan' i said and aiden pulled me into his office along with the others

'First of all get someone to watch nathan' Aiden said

'I'll do it' cole said

'We can just plan downstairs and watch him' i said and we went downstairs and i sat next to Nathan and felt his hand knowing it was warmer and then he coughed

'Yo guys he's awake' i said and they walked in

'Nathan' cole said

'They attacked us they stabbed me' he said

'Yo Yo Yo I'm loosing his heart beat' i said

'My shoulder' he said

'Oh shit' Aiden said

'WHAT' I yelled

'It's dislocated' Lucas said

'Sorry dude' i said and punched it

'It will get back into place' i said and punched it again

'Oh shit you punch like a man' he said

'You ok' i asked

'Yeah what are you guys doing' he asked

'Revenge' Aiden said

'Ok where do they live' i asked

'In a mansion not too far from here' aiden said

'I need a blue print of where they live' i said

'On it' Lucas said

'Aiden what it the most thing steven and adrian like' i asked

'Steven likes money and adrian does the same but it's easier to distract him he basically likes girls' Aiden said

'Ok well-' Lucas cut me off

'I got it' he said

'Ok so we need a way in without no one knowing we are there' i said

'Easy when i was younger i made an underground bunker we'll go through there' he said

'Ok now he tried to kill Nathan we take stevens money' i said

'But Adrians going to be on his ass all the time like a fucking dog' Aiden said

'Then we need a chick' i said and everyone looked at me

'Shit' i said

'Just do it they haven't seen you yet adrian everyday goes the club to hang out with his mates at 8 everyday you distract him and I'll get one of my men to watch over you. You stall him while me, cole and Lucas get through the bunker and take his money' Aiden said

'It's only half 6' cole said

'GET READY' they yelled

'This isn't my house' i said

'Fuck it' Aiden said grabbing scissors and cutting my shirt into an off the shoulder shirt and he ripped my jeans and gave tied me combat boots

'Take out you hair' he said and i took it out

'Great here wear this and we are done' he said and gave me a choker made from my shirt

Wow this kid can design

'Let's go then' i said and i got into a range rover

'Our man will meet us at the club' cole said

'This is what he looks like' Aiden said

'Oh shit' i yelled

'What i knew he's ugly but not that much' Aiden said

'He's my ex' i said

'What' they said in unison

'Yeah we dated when i was in arisona but he cheated and i moved' i said

'Great say you want him back' Aiden said

'Hey its ok it's not for real' Aiden said cupping my face

'We are here that's our Man and Adrians inside' he said and i nodded and went to aidens men

'Hey im ashton' he said

'Luna' i said and then my name was called and i turned around and aiden threw me a gun and i smiled and tucked it in and we walked in

'I'm over there Aiden said just to distract him he'll text you when he's finished' Ashton said

'There's your guy good luck' he said

'Thanks ash' i said and headed to the bar and seconds later his eyes were on me

I have a bad feeling about this....

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