chapter 28

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We got up from the couch and i pulled my clothes back on

'We need to go back to the beach' he said

'Im too sore' i said

'I'll just carry you' he said and picked me up and took me to the car

'How are you still walking' i said

'You tell me' he said

'Let's just go' i said and he drove to the beach parking lot and he gave me some advill and then I took it with water and i got up limping a bit and changed into my bikini and headed down

'Why are you limping' veronica asked

'I just banged my leg on that pole' i said

'Dumb ass' she said

'Fuck off no one likes you' i said

'I do' Lucas said

'Guys this is Mia, Mia this is veronica that's Lucas that's luna and that's aiden' cole said

'Hey mia' i said and she hugged me and we sat down and we surrounded a fire and got marshmallows on a stick and then we got hot chocolate with marshmallows and whipped cream and soon fireworks went off

'Wow' i said and then we all started dancing to miley cyrus we can't stop

'WOOO' veronica me and Mia yelled with red cups in our hands

Party on the beach

I went up to Aiden and he hugged me

'I was looking for you' he said

'I was just there' i said and he laughed and we sat down

'How you feeling now' he asked

'AMAZING' i said and he got up and pressed his lips against mine

'PARTAYYYY' I heard cole

'Oh he's wasted' i said and we sat him by mia and then the songs came off and more fireworks and aiden hugged me and smiled

'I love you'  he said

'I love you too' i said

'Ight let's get him home coles wasted ' mia said

'You can stay the night get Veronicas clothes' Lucas said and she nodded and we drove home and veronica took cole and her into coles room with some clothes and me and aiden got in our room and I changed and laid down and he got on top of me and kissed my neck

'Your so beautiful' he said

'Im beyonce what you mean' i said and he kissed my lips and i pulled off his shirt and soon out clothes were were on the floor and then

Oh shit

We didn't use a condom....

I stole the gang leaders phone Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora