Chapter Eight

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*Again, I do not know anything about the study of Nursing and what I've written is just some information I found online. Please remember that this is a work of Fiction.

Chapter Eight – First Date

"Your research must address the topic of providing excellent nursing care for clients of a variety of ages with various illnesses based on your learning of anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology." Dr Eberhardt explains as we focus on the slide, taking down notes of our final assignment for this module. "You must also identify at least five drug reactions to these illnesses and recommend medication and suitable treatment. Should you choose to identify multiple medication to treat only one illness I expect a detailed answer as to why you believe it would be beneficial."

He stops to look around the lecture hall and asks if we had any questions. One or two people ask some and I also write down some more tips when he answers, believing that they will come in handy when I am completing my essay.

"Alright class, remember that I am looking for an understanding of complex clinical skills here. If you have any further questions don't hesitate to contact me on my e-mail. Have a good day."

I pack up my things and chuckle when Maddox releases a groan, muttering about how it's going to take him years to do this assignment. Since our semester one finals are just one month away, lecturers are piling on the work and it's hard trying to juggle a placement, assignments and study all at the same time.

"We'll be okay, we just have to stay positive." I smile, following him out of the lecture theatre.

"Yes well, my motivation is pretty much diminishing day by day so wherever this positivity is at, it better hurry the f*ck up." He grumbles making me laugh loudly as we merge into the crowd of students.


"Where have you been?! It's nearly one!" Eva shrieks as I walk in through the door.

"Um...classes? I had one till twelve today." I reply, placing my bag and notebooks on the table.

"Need I remind you that you have a date!"

"Need I remind you that it is at three." I retort, snickering when she huffs in annoyance.

"Get in the shower." She orders, pushing me up the stairs.

"Eva, I don't swing that way! And besides, I thought you were into Maddox!" I shout dramatically, laughing when she slaps my shoulder.

Eventually, I get in the shower after we decide on an outfit. Kaden had texted me saying to dress casual and Eva and I chose a floral dress, with a cardigan if it gets too cold, and some heeled boots since I want to be comfortable also.

I had waxed my legs the night before so I didn't have to spend too long in the shower. After lathering some coconut scented shampoo into my hair, I use a shower gel before rinsing it off and stepping out. Drying myself with a towel, I put on my lotion and exfoliate my face.

Putting on my bra and panties, I slip on the floral dress and smile happily when I see my reflection in the mirror. It is a light blue number with pink little flowers running through it and I have always wanted to wear it somewhere after my mum gave it to me as a present.

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