Chapter Thirty-Four

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Chapter Thirty-Four - A Night Full of Secrets: Part 1

A week has passed after the unexpected visit from Ace. During this, I noticed that Kaden and I are pretty much inseparable nowadays. Either I would visit him or we would meet up for lunch in the city, but we didn't go a day without seeing each other.

Kaden had also told me about a mind link we have together, where we can have conversations in our minds. I freaked out at first when he talked in my head, it felt incredibly weird but I grew used to it the more I did it. I also discovered that werewolves can talk to each other using the mind link. 

Before leaving the De Leon house that day, Natalie had given me two large books containing information specifically on werewolves. Since I am a part of their world now, she said it was only right that I know their history.

I have been reading it whenever I could find time in the day, especially before bed as something to lull me to sleep.

One of the chapters that caught my interest was about the bond between mates. It was freakishly accurate on how I was experiencing everything the book was describing. Whenever Kaden is near, my heart will start to race and my palms will turn sweaty. One simple look from those pools of ocean blue can have me flustered and his touch can calm me like no-one else could. I felt content just being in his arms, safe from the world.

I snap out of my thoughts when someone nudges me. Looking to my left, I smile sheepishly at the boy who is holding out a stack of pages. Taking a stapled set of pages, I turn and pass the stack to the row behind me. We are in a smaller classroom with around thirty students in each instead of a lecture hall.

As the tutorial continues, I focus on the exam style questions we are practicing on. But because there is a window next to me providing me with a view of the lake and trees, my mind is more interested in daydreaming about random things. I sigh and grab a blue pen, taking down the notes that are written on the whiteboard.

My phone vibrates during the middle of class, making me hastily pull it out of my coat pocket. I open my messages to see a text from Kaden, a smile pulling at the corners of my lips.

Kaden: When are you free today?

Luna: I finish class around four today. Why?

Kaden: Come over.

My brows rise at how demanding he is being. Rolling my eyes, I huff before typing back a quick message.

Luna: Try again.

I put down my phone, a smirk playing on my lips because I know he will realize what I mean. Often, Kaden's demanding nature will slip through in our conversations, whether it's texting or face to face. I found out, by reading the books, that Alphas and Betas are naturally dominant, intimidating and demanding creatures because of their position of authority.

Let's just say I made it very clear to Kaden that I'm not a fan of his demanding side.

There were ten minutes left until this tutorial ended when I received his text. I bite my lip hard to stifle the laughter threatening to escape, it took him long enough.

Kaden: Fine...will you please come over today, Luna?

Luna: Who's a good boy?

His reply is instant. I can literally imagine him growling furiously.

Kaden: You are in so much trouble when I get my hands on you!

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