a girl: a concept

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smells like all things tropical. it clings onto her skin like popsicles melting on chubby fingers. she walks pass me and every time i am submerged into a tropical island; in a rio de janeiro sunset; a sun soaking moment atop the cristo redentor


spends her days at the beach, her bronze skin always tanning against the scorching sun. her tan lines leave me breathless; its a quick moment, a flash of a smooth line of a once peachy skin tone. the rest is golden. she makes me nervous and nauseous. i smile and ignore it


says her name is carla but im sure it's aphrodite; cause she was born from the waves maybe athena because of her wits maybe hestia because she always makes me feel warm and safe maybe it was hera because she seemed to rule after her clique and maybe it was all of them. a fusion of ethereal women.


is like the sun. bold and bright; unforgiving and scorching; so indescribably confusing, but at the same time, soothing, like, yeah, i know there are many ways you can kill me, but imma enjoy you regardless. she says the sun's her teacher. makes sense, they're both blonde and both stars

(( it's funny i keep describing her as some sort of omnipotent being but she's just a girl- but listen she makes my insides all sticky like a melted popsicle or a sweet sickly fruit that drips down a chin and i can't get enough of the way she makes me feel ))

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