"I'm here" (17)

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*two days later*

It's been five days. Five whole days without the love of my life by my side. Everything hurts both physically and mentally. I feel empty, lost..confused. I feel like a part of me is missing.

I finally got discharged from the hospital yesterday and ever since I arrived home I haven't put my phone down once. Every time it rings, I think it's him, telling me he's okay, he's safe.

My mind is so chaotic but at the same time it's blank.

I need to start thinking. Could someone have hurt him? Killed him? Oh God, no. I can't think like that.

Alex's dad. I'll go over to his house and ask where Alex is.

I quickly slip on my shoes and jacket and I jog the whole four blocks to his house. When I arrive quickly I frantically knock on the door. When no one answers, I keep knocking. The door creaks open slightly and I hesitate before pushing the door the rest of the way open.

"Alex? Are you in here? Mr. Davenport?" I take slow, cautious steps around the perimeter of the house. I've checked all of the rooms except for Alex's bedroom so far.

I slowly push open the door to his room and peer my head around the door. His bed is messy and there's clothes thrown on the floor as usual so it looks untouched.

Behind me, I hear a floorboard creak in the hallway. I pause in my steps and my breathing quickens as does my heartbeat.

Before I can turn around and react I'm clocked in the back of the head and I fall forward onto the bed.


I feel hazy as my consciousness comes back into line. I squint my eyes into the bright lights that surround me. Where am I?

"Hello? Hello!" I try to move my arms but they seem to be tied behind my back and around a chair. My feet are tied back to the legs of the chair.

I jolt the chair forward in frustration to try and free myself but my lack of strength is nothing compared to the tight bound of rope.

I look around at my surroundings and I notice I'm in a makeshift kitchen complete with only a wooden table and a counter with cabinets.

I notice a metal door on one of the walls and soon enough I see the knob start to turn.

My head snaps up from the door knob to the person walking in. The person who walks through that door leaves me speechless.

It's Alex. Although, he looks sickly pale and skinnier than ever. His clothes are covered and dirt and specks of dried blood. His feet are bare and skin as dirty as his clothing. It pains me to see him like this.

What happens next hits me hard. His father walks in behind him, the biggest, shit-eating grin on his face like he's won the lottery.

Alex hasn't seen me yet because his father has him blindfolded. "Okay, Alex." His father says excitedly, "Are you ready for your surprise?"

Painfully slowly he unties the blind fold from the back of Alex's head and removes it. Alex blinks a few times and gasps, covering his mouth with his hands.

"Brett." My name from his mouth suddenly gives me a rush of emotions. Happiness, fright, all of it.

Alex's dad stands back and watches as Alex runs over to me, throwing his arms around my neck. I feel his warm tears run down my neck and soak into my shirt. It hurts that I can't put my arms around him and hug him and never let go.

Alex let's go of my neck and puts his ands on my face, looking me over. He looks back at his dad and stands up straight.

"Why did you bring him here!? I told you to leave him alone!" My eyes grow wide at how confident Alex has become towards his dad.

His reaction is to simply smirk and walk away, leaving Alex and I alone. As soon as he's out of sight, Alex shakes his head and turns back towards me and walks behind me.

I feel the ropes loosening from my wrists and I pull them in front of me, rubbing the raw skin. I reach down and untie the ropes from my ankles. I stand up and immediately pull Alex into my chest.

I bury my nose into his hair and make sure I'm holding onto him as tight as I can without hurting him. I feel him start to sob against me and I linger a kiss at the top of his head.

"I missed you so much." I whisper into his hair. "So, so much baby." He starts to cry harder and I slide us both down the wall so we're sitting side by side.

I feel tears of my own start to slide down my cheeks. I pull him away from me and look him over, wincing at his condition.

"Alex, oh, my Alex. You look so starved. Does he feed you?" He shakes his head and I pull him back into my chest, sighing.

"It's alright, I'm here and I'm gonna make him pay." I promise. "I'll make sure of it."


A few hours have passed and Alex eventually calmed down and fell asleep. My eyelids are starting to become heavy and they're half closed when two people enter the room. I don't dare open my eyes though.

"Look at them." I recognize Mr. Davenport. "Couple o' disgraces I'd say."

A woman speaks up after. "They're happy. My Alex is happy and that makes me happy. Don't ruin it for them, Damion."

They both walk away and I struggle to stay awake any longer. I don't think I've slept over 42 hours in the past five days. Fatigue takes over and I allow myself to finally drift of into an alarmingly peaceful sleep. I feel better no matter what the circumstances because my Alex is back where he belongs. Right in my arms.


Chapter 17! Comment what you think.

Question: when it comes to that time, should I make a sequel?

* Also comment your ideas of what should be in the next chapter!

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