"F*ck you" (18)

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Hungry. I'm so hungry. My stomach clenches in pain as I settle myself in one of the kitchen chairs across the table from Brett. I grab his hand across the table and I fiddle with his fingers.

I'm happy he's here with me but at the same time in pisses off that that man would bring him into all of this mess.

"We have to get out of here." Brett's suggestion breaks my train of thought.

I roll my eyes at him and reply, "Oh gee, why didn't I think of that." I let go of his hand and sit back against the chair, crossing my arms.

Brett scoffs and places both hands on the table. "Come on, Alex. You can't tell me that the whole time you've been in here you haven't tried to escape once."

Shaking my head I lean forward towards him. "No, I haven't. I've been busy finding out that my mom isn't even my real mom because my real mom gave me away and my dad isn't my real dad because of some freaky voodoo crap. So no, Brett. I haven't tried to escape." By the end of my mini rant I'm out of breath and I uncross my arms.

Brett looks at a loss of words. He continues to open and close his mouth like a fish out of water. "Alex I'm..I'm so sorry, babe. I had no idea." He reached across the table and grabs my hands. "Listen, we are going to get out of here okay? I promise." He kisses the top of my hand and places it back on the table.

I give a sad smile and shrug my shoulders. "And if we don't?" I'm afraid of his reaction to my stupid question so i look down into my lap. I can't help but think of the worst possibility.

"We will. I know it. All we have to do is work together, okay? I love you, Alex."

"I love you too, Brett."


Another two hours in this dreadful place has passed. By now, the hunger pain is only getting worse. I lay in a fetal position on the ground with my arms wrapped around my stomach. Loud growls echo in the silent room and my body starts to shake unhealthily.

"Alex we have to find you some food. You look like you're going to pass out, babe." Brett stands up from the chair and opens the cupboards one by one. "Jackpot! Here, eat this."

He hands me a can of assorted fruits that has clearly been opened. I check the can and, as presumed, they're expired.

"I can't eat these. They're expired as of three years ago. But thanks anyways." I hand the cam back to him and he sighs heavily.

"When's the last time you ate?" His hands are clenching the edge of the sink and his knuckles are beginning to turn white.

I sit up against the wall and pull my knees to my chest. "I don't remember, a week?" I really don't remember the last time I actually had something to put in my stomach.

"A week? What about drinking water?"

"Before I got here maybe?" Oh my gosh  my stomach hurts like hell.

Brett scans the room and his eyes land on the sink. I already know what he's thinking before he says it.

"It doesn't work." His head snaps to me and I raise my eyebrows.

"How do you know that?"

"Look at it, it's all rusted but go ahead. Be my guest."

Brett grabs the handle and turns it. A loud rusting sound comes up from the pipes and sputters a bit before stopping.

I look at Brett with a knowing look on my face and my eyebrows raised. "Told you."

Brett rolls his eyes at me and walks over the the door. He turns the knob and the door clicks open. His eyes widen and he looks at me.

"This whole time. .the door was open!?" We are such idiots. Come on, let's go."

He walks over to my spot on the floor and pulls me up by my hands. Brett doesn't let go of my hand as he pulls me out of the room.

We pass the door to the room that I was once trapped in. "We have to turn around, I remember this door. There's a dead end I think."

I turn us around and we come face to face with the leader of this whole operation.

"Well well well. Going somewhere boys?" He has his arms crossed over his chest and a quizzical eyebrow raised at us.

Instinctively, Brett pulls me behind him so he's standing between my father and I.

My father scoffs and rolls his eyes. He mutters "queers" under his breath but it is clearly heard.

"What did you just say?" Brett sneers and my father laughs loudly.

"Getting tough, are we? I said you're a fûcking queer. People like you disgust me."

Brett looked around at his surroundings and grabs a piece of the pipe line that has broken off and fallen to the floor. He pointed the end of the pipe towards my father in a threatening manner.

"Shut the hell up! You, are a sick man. How could you do this to an innocent boy?" Brett takes three big but timid steps in my fathers direction. He now stands directly in front of my father, the pipe pointed up at his chin. "Now, you can let us go and we will leave without a word, or, I'll pummel you."

A dark chuckle erupts from my fathers throat. "Go ahead, Pretty Boy, be my guest."

And that's all it takes for Brett to raise the pipe and bring it down on my fathers head. My father crumpled to the ground in a heap of pure stench. God, he reeks.

"Alex," Brett waves me over with his hand, "come here and help me get him to that room." He nods his head over to the room that I was in when I got here.

I walked over and grabbed my fathers feet while Brett dragged him by his arms. We finally got him inside the room and Brett found an extension cord to tie his hands and feet with.

He brushed his hands off and placed his arm around my waist. "Now, we just have to wait for him to wake up." Brett kisses me on the cheek and walks away to tighten the cords.

I force myself to stare straight into my fathers face. "Fûck you."


Hi hi. I just want to say I am so happy for this book! We just hit 1K so of course I'm so freaking happy! Anyways, don't forget to vote and comment!

Edit: the last chapter was bolded I have no clue why so repost

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