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Hayat Khan was 10 when she first saw him. She didn't know him until her parents introduce her to him. She fell in love with him when he helps her understanding things that she wouldn't want to. She knows that she would never get him to love her back, but she has little hopes deep in her heart. 

She was 20 and was studying in college when she get married for her Dad's sake. She lives with her parents and her little brother. She likes to write a diary. A diary in which she writes her feelings for him and she was afraid to lose it. 

What will she do when she knows the person she love is going to be her husband soon? Will she able to make a small space for her in his heart knowing that he loves someone else?


New Story! I hope you all like it and let me know what you think about this. Chapter 1 will be out soon. In Sha Allah.

This was actually a request of a one-shot from one of my reader but I couldn't write it that long so I decided it to write it as a short story.

I will update this story every weekend and If I wouldn't then I will let you know.


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