Chapter 1.

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"Hayat!" I sigh and put the pen down. I close my diary and stood up to walk downstairs. 

"Yes, Mother." I stand in the doorway of the living room. She looked up from her magazine to me. 

"My sister is coming here for a week with her son. Can you take care of them and their living arrangements?" I nodded and wait for her to say something more but she didn't. Instead she looks at me like she was expecting me to say something. I walk upstairs where the guest rooms are.

I open door and sigh, looking around. There wasn't much for me to do. I only had to remove covers and dust everything once, then it will be done. I did almost everything in an hour and a half, then walks down in the kitchen to get something to drink. 

It was 6 in the evening and I was in my room when I heard a car pulling in the driveway. I smiled and quickly walk down. As I step down on the last stairs, I saw the front door opening. He smiled when he saw me and open his arms. I quickly walk toward him and straight into his arms. I missed his hugs when he was gone. 

"I miss you." I says and pulled back. He smiled and drop a light kiss on my head.

"I miss you too. Where is your Mom?" He asked as we walk in the living room. I sigh and pulled away from him when I saw her standing up. 

"She is not my Mom." I mutter, but he didn't hear as he was already walking toward her. I look away when she hugged him. I feel upset when I saw him looking at her with love in his eyes. 

Amaira is my step Mom. Dad married her 16 years ago when I was 5 years old and Mom died in a plane crash. I wouldn't say that my step Mom is bad and evil. It is just that I don't like her much. Because of her Dad ignored me when I was young and give his time to her leaving me with me with my little step brother and care taker. 

"Why don't you freshen up? Hayat made your favorite food." I look at Dad and pushed out a nervous smile when he look at me surprised. I know how to cook before. I made a few things, but this is my first time cooking a main dish. I don't know if he like it or not, but I am hoping he will. When Dad went in his room, I set the dining table for us.

"Sometimes, I think what I will do when you will leave me." I heard Dad's voice from behind me. I smiled and turned to face him. 

"I am not going anywhere." I told him with a small smile and sit on my chair after he was seated. 

"When is Salar coming back home from his vacation?" Dad asked as he serves himself. I look at Mother and saw her shrugging. 

"Tomorrow morning." He nodded and praise my cooking when he take a first bite. I smiled and start eating as well.

When we were finished, I was about to clean everything but Mother offered me to stay with Dad while she cleans everything. I shrugged and went in the living room with Dad to watch a movie. This is what we always do when he get back from his business trip. My Dad wasn't a business man, but he is invester in one of the most successful company in the country. 

I still remember when Dad went on his first business trip after his second marriage, I was upset and get angry when he come back. That day I told him everything that I feel about his second wife. After that day things started to change in our home.


"Hayat, breakfast is ready." I heard my step Mom calling me from the stairs. I sigh and continue to ignore her. I heard her footsteps coming upward, then it was stopped. 

"Hayat?" I look at the door when her knock. "Hayat I know you don't like me but please give me a chance to be your Mom."

"You will never replace my Mom." I yelled and look at the door when I heard it opening. I smack my forehead mentally for not locking it. I saw as she slowly walks toward me with her hand on the 6 month baby bump.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2018 ⏰

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