- Chapter Eighteen -

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- Chapter Eighteen -

Light brown eyes began to haunt Alina as she groggily woke up from her unconsciousness. She lifted her right hand to touch her throat, her hand lightly gliding over the tender skin. Alina was sure her neck was filled with bruises and scratch marks and that it'll burn her neck if she spoke. Last night was a rollercoaster for her, she didn't believe the events of the night before were real, but looking around the empty cell proved her wrong.

Alina dropped her hand from her throat and stood up from the dirty floor filled with blood stains. Alina almost gagged at the thought of those blood stains being recent. The cell had no chair or rustic bed, it seemed as if it was a torture chamber. There were chains hanging from one of the walls, blood sloppily cleaned from the chains and wall. Alina bit her lip from her anxiety. She did not want to be chained up and tortured.

Alina shook her head from her own worries, she needed to somehow know what happened to those in the town. She needed to know if Micah was alright. If Isaiah survived and if he did was he looking for her? She knew Isaiah will fight to death for her safety, and she fears that it'll happen one day. Alina shivered in fear, she can't allow him to ever get harmed again. Alina needs to find an escape and a way to get back to her father.

A loud slam of the door spooked Alina, causing her to straighten in the middle of the cell where she stood. Alina stared past the bars, waiting for whoever came to show themselves. As she waited the few seconds it took to get to her cell, Alina hoped it was the man with the light brown eyes from the night before because for some odd reason, she feels like she knows the guy from somewhere but she can't seem to remember.

Alpha Damien Servos appeared before Alina wearing a cold smile on his face. He watched her with calculating eyes, waiting for her to lash out. But she did none of that, instead Alina frowned at the strong similarities the man had with his father. She spotted many facial features that were distinctly similar to the man Alina had met as a child. How absurd that their personalities would be the same as well. Alina chose to remain silent, not to show her strong willed persona, but because she feared she would damage her throat further.

Damien saw the red, purple marks Alina carried around her throat. "I apologize for my servant's roughness. We, from the Servos Pack, tend to get lost in the adrenaline of a hunt." He shrugged, not really caring for the woman. "Alina," her name rolled out of his mouth with a hint of a teasing tone. "I have an offer for you."

Alina jerked her chin forward for Damien to continue. She noticed that she was enclosed in the cell with no way put, therefore she had to either succumb to the man's wishes, depending what it is of course, or she'll choose death if he offers it.

Damien dropped his smile, a little irritated that the woman wasn't talking at all. But he ignored it when he saw Alina rub her throat. He continued with his monologue. "I see you're unable to speak. That's fine. I am giving you two options, use your fingers to decide what you have chosen.

Option number one; become my chosen mate and do as I say for the rest of your life. You shall help me recruit pack members by using your special gifts the moon goddess has bestowed upon you. 

Or option two; choose to live within the walls of this cell being tortured everyday until you finally succumb to death. But just know that I know how to keep my victims alive for as long as  deem fit. I decide when you're able to finally die."

Alina watched Damien dumbfounded. What kind of options were those? Alina opened her mouth, ignored her burning throat and spoke her questions out loud. "Why do you want me as a mate? What kind of joke is this?" Her voice was low and scratchy, as if she was going through a severe case of illness.

Damien let out a sigh. "Do you not understand what the mate bond is capable of?" Alina only blinked at him in confusion. "The mate bond will render you weak. It'll create a bond where your wolf will surrender herself to mine. The bond will prevent you from running away, you'll feel lost and go insane with despair because you will not be near me and as alpha, the mate bond will be stronger than any other. The bond will tie you to me woman."

Alina stared at Damien with horror. How can he make her do this. He can't force her to become his slave through the mate bond. However, the second option went appealing either. She didn't want to spend years trapped within this cell being tortured. Alina couldn't die in a place such as this, Isaiah will spend the rest of his life blaming himself. Alina couldn't allow him to take blame for her demise. She needed to escape, find Isaiah, and hide themselves in a place where no one will ever find them.

Taking a deep breathe. Alina made a decision, probably the worst one, but vowed to find a way to escape before she binds herself to this monster.

She raises her shaking hand and showed Damien her decision.

Upon seeing one finger raised, Damien smirked in evil triumph. "Theres no backing out woman. I own you now. Soon I will have the preparations for the mating ceremony to begin."

Alina casted her eyes down. The time started ticking away now. She will either find a way to escape or succumb to a fate she will loathe.


A/N          (11/28/17)

Listening to music gives me motivation to write. What kind of music do you, my awesome readers, listen too? Can you guess my favorite genre?

Alina made a horrible, predictable choice, yes. But! It doesn't mean the rest of the story will become predictable. I have big plans.

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