- Chapter Twenty Nine -

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- Chapter Twenty Nine -

Alina and Bryce had ran for days nonstop, avoiding every pack that they sensed was near. They covered up their traces by going into human towns and cities. All the pollution and stench of humans covering their own scents. They even went as far as to take human transportation, as uncomfortable as it is being inside a packed bus. But it was better than traveling in wolf form where they would be noticed by other wolves.

Bryce had silently been following Alina, not questioning her on her sense of direction. But he knew she had a plan inside that head of hers. He simply wanted to know what the next step was.

He summoned up his strength and turned to her, where she sat next to him on the crowded bus. "Where are we going?"

Alina continued to stare out the window with tired eyes. She hadn't slept in the last three days, worried that Damien and Kaeden were close in finding her.

Alina spoke without turning to look at him. "Damien was looking for certain people that I have come across with many years ago. We're going to that same place and recruiting them."

Her words seemed normal to the humans around them, but Bryce knew what she meant by 'recruiting'. He blew out a stressed breath and continued with his silence. Alina has thrown away the compliant, scared woman and became someone worth fearing. Bryce can see a piece of her had been shattered, and that her only resolve would be to fight back. Bryce knew that she was going to hunt these rabid wolves, who have been deemed unworthy to be helped for, and return them to their rightful souls.

Shes going to build an army of rouges and with them, she's going to end the Servos Pack and anyone else who wants to use her.

Bryce felt pride swell up in his chest because from the start his wolf had deemed her their rightful alpha.


Damien paced back and forth angrily, his strong need to spill blood causing him to tear down his office.

Kaeden watched bemused. He knew that his brother was beyond pissed. Just like their father had been when he first discovered Alina gone. The only difference is that he hadn't been sent to his room to be punished. Yet.

Damien looked at Kaeden, fire burning in his gaze. "You let her escape!"

Kaeden knew he was going to be blamed, he wasn't shocked. He shook his head, nonetheless, with denial. "I have used your method of using her father against her. Your hopes of ever using her by threatening the man flew out the window the moment she turned her back on him. Really Damien? How could I have allowed her to escape? Blame the lousy guard I left in charge to watch over them."

Damien blew out a breathe as he tempered down his anger. "How was the door destroyed?"

"That Rouge had halfway broken it down when we saw him going crazy. I rushed to grab Alina in order to calm him. She had once said that her powers weren't definite. I assumed he was going rabid again." Kaeden stated at his brother dead in the eyes, hoping he believes him even though he twisted his story a bit.

Kaeden had busted the door, pretending to get to the man quickly. But he knew what he was doing. Kaeden had helped in their escape, but by using the man Alina admired to buy her more time. He knew he could never be forgiven, but he was glad she ran away. He was tired of feeling guilty. He always saw the hopeful haze Alina would state him with and everytime he saw it, it would pull on his heart strings with guilt. He had finally grown tired of it and did what he needed to do. He was finally tired of the fact that he was becoming like his father and brother: cruel.

Damien stared at him solemnly. "Kaeden, I can't believe you're willing to lie to my face."

Kaeden blanched as his brother snapped his fingers and a pair of guards came in to restrain their beta. Kaeden squirmed and kicked, causing for more men to come in and hold him immobile.

Kaeden glared at Damien, throwing his ruse away now that he'd been discovered. "Fine. I destroyed the door. I purposely angered the guard, knowing he'll follow me out. I gave them that opportunity to leave, but because I knew it was the right thing to do."

Damien punched Kaeden in the face with all the strength he could muster. A loud cracking noise resonating throughout the silent room. He had fractured, or broken, his brother's jaw.

Kaeden spit out blood and turned to his brother. "Congratulations. You've officially became like our father, a monster. I hope you go crazy just like he did."

Damien coolly ignored him and ordered Kaeden to be locked away in a dugeon cell.

Seeing him dragged away shattered a piece of Damien's soul. He felt this coldness enter his body as he realized that he ruined their relationship. He destroyed the last thing he cared for: the bond between him and his brother, Keaden.

You didn't ruin it. Kaeden did with his betrayal. A darker consciousness has opened up and cleared his gnawing guilt and replacing it with something more sinister.

Damien shook his head and walked out of his office. He needed to find Alina and this time he wasn't going to take her out of her cell. He was going to use her as anyway he saw fit. Destroy her will and hope so she can comply to all his demands.

The thought bringing an evil glee to Damien.


A/N Posted: 1/6/19

Happy New year!!! My new year's resolution is to continue writing for all you lovely people and creating amazing new ideas.

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