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Three weeks have passed, and living arangments changed. Yoongi lives in the dorm qith Hoseok, Jin and NamJoon share a dorm, and Tae, Jungkook, and Jimin share the last dorm.

Yoongi snuggled deeper into Hoseok's blankets, reaching around for the warmth of Hoseok's body, mewing when he found the spot next to him to be empty. He started to purr when he felt a weight settle on the bed and start petting his hair. Yoongi tilted his head back and smiled when he saw Hoseok sitting on the pillows, a sleepy look on his face.

Yoongi wanted nothing more than to curl up in Hoseok's lap and fall asleep. But he knew, even though he was smaller than before, he still would not fit curled up on the boy by the headboard. He sighed. If he really was a cat, no he didn't want to actually be a cat. Just a thought, right?

Hoseok screamed. Yoongi looked up again, and this time, Hoseok looked further away. His face was contorted in a scared senseless way.

"what's wrong?" he tried to say, but it came out in small mews. He looked down, a strange feeling wrenching his gut. He was met with a furry body, slim and white, with black paws. Yoongi yelped in surprise. He tumbled off the bed and landed on his feet. His body trembled in fear. He didn't really want to be a cat, he wanted to be human, and kiss and love Hoseok!

Hoseok screamed again and Yoongi started breathing hard. He felt like he was going to pass out. At least he wasn't a cat. His ears drooped and his tail curled softly around his waist as he collapsed onto the floor. Hoseok scrambled off the bed and pulled Yoongi close.

"Are you ok? What just happened?" He pushed Yoongi's bangs out of his eyes, "Your hair, it's white!" Yoongi weakly tried to push himself up, but his arms gave out. His eyes started to close and he felt Hoseok pick him up and set him on the bed. Yoongi struggled to keep his eyes open, but the bed was so comfortable, and he was so tired...

Hoseok turned to see the kitten fast asleep, breathing slowly, slower than usual. He turned back to the phone, more worried.
"Pick up the fucking phone!" he growled.

"Well I'm sorry, we had a bit of a situation where Mr cougar here wouldn't shower." He heard Jin scoff on the other end of the phone.

"Sorry hyung, but i think my situation may be a little more urgent. It's about Yoongi,"

"What happened to the kitten? Is he alright? What did he do? What did you do?"

"I don't know!"

"Was it you screaming? I thought it was Tae chasing Jungkook again, but the scream was a little off, " Hoseok sighed,

"Yes, but that's not the point, " he heard pounding on his door, "Listen, just come to the dorm and see for yourself." Hoseok hung up and scrambled to open the door for the three boys standing outside.

"What happened? We heard a scream! Is someone hurt?" they pushed into the dorm and waited on the couch for an explanation.

"Well, Yoongi woke up... "

"What happened to Yoongi? Did something happen to him?"

"Let me finish! So I sitting on the pillows, petting him like he loves, and all of the sudden, there was a kitten sitting on the bed! Don't say anything yet. So he realized he was a kitten, and fell off the bed, and then he was a hybrid again, but he couldn't stand, he could barely move, so I set him on the bed and he fell asleep, but he is breathing really slow, like really slow. Come see," Tae opened his mouth to start saying something, but Jungkook put a small finger to Tae's lips, stopping him.

Hoseok led them into the bedroom, and Yoongi was still lay on the bed, his breaths sluggish, still in the exact position Hoseok put him in. His tail even lay still, usually waving around lazily. Jungkook let out a soft whimper and ran to the unconscious boy, hugging him. Hoseok heard a knock at his door and went to give Jin the run-down of what happened.

"Maybe we should check and make sure he is more or less physically okay." They worked to pull Yoongi's shirt over his head and gasped at the purplish bruises spreading over his chest, back, and shoulders . Jungkook started to cry, his heart was sensitive about these sorts of things, and Tae held the bunny to his chest.

"You know, I think he is just in a deep sleep, from being exhausted. It must have taken a lot of energy to go from human to kitten to human again." Hoseok nodded and curled up next to Yoongi, giving the small boy a back-hug as tears rolled down his cheeks.

"please wake up," he whispered into Yoongi's ear.

Yoongi slowly opened his eyes, still heavy from sleep. He instinctively reached out for Hoseok, and then remembered what happened. His eyes snapped open and he shot up into a sitting position. The room was empty and cold. Yoongi's eyes threatened to close again, but he forced them open, stumbling out of bed.

"H-HOBI!" he yelled, his voice scratchy and his throat raw. His stomach rumbled and he leaned against the wall as he walked down the hall. The living room was empty too, and he struggled to walk to the kitchen, that had a plate of food on it, but no one there. A note was on the plate.

This is for you Yoongi, if you decide to wake up today.

He felt tears well up in his eyes. How long had he been asleep? His stomach growled again, and he sat at the table in front of the plate to eat. After he was done, he realized he had no shirt on and was just in his boxers, so he stumbled into his room and wrestled with one of Hoseok's sweaters, which hung loosely from his shoulders. He opened the door, stopping to rest when his legs threatened to give out.

While he was sitting, panting like he had run a marathon, he felt like he was completely alone and started to cry. The kitten stood back up and walked down the hall between dorms, still leaning against the wall. As he got to Tae, Jungkook, and Jimin's dorm, he stepped away from the wall to knock on the door, but lost his balance, making him fall on his bottom, landing on his tail.

He yelped and whimpered, cuddling his tail. Jungkook opened the dorm door, and looked down at Yoongi. His face was blank for a moment, before a smile spread across it and he pulled Yoongi to his feet and hugged him, Yoongi winced, Jungkook was really strong.

"We were starting to think you would sleep forever!" He hugged Yoongi again, and Yoongi could feel Jungkook's body shake as he sobbed into the kitten. Yoongi cried too.

"How long was I asleep?"

"You have been sleeping, for..." he pointed to a calendar hanging by his door. Yoongi felt fresh tears run down his face.

"A... A... month!? "

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