Chapter Two

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I sat in front of my vanity table. Fairy lights sparkled across it. My dress hung off of my wardrobe door. My eyes darted from my reflection to the dress. Unease and nausea crawled into my stomach.

Why am I so nervous? I'm never like this.

I closed my eyes and pictured what Cat would say. She would tell me that I was crazy and that I need a drink or two.

Or maybe even three.

My eyes opened and the thought of Mr. Lawson crept into my mind. His dark eyes and his long hair. His choice of clothing screamed bad boy.

Allowing my mind to focus, I selected the perfect eye shadow palette to go along with my dress. Sky blues were mixed with navy blues along with a dash of black. A sexy pink lipstick matched the dress. I sprayed some body glitter across my shoulders and up my neck.

I slipped the dress on smoothly. The heels complemented the whole outfit. This look made me feel dangerous and powerful at the same time.

Catty and Sandra met me at the Devil Angel's Club. They rocked their outfits. They waddled towards me in their high heels. As Cat and Sandra wrapped me in a hug and bathed me in kisses, they spoke about their excitement to drink and dance.

Loud and pounding music boomed from inside the glittering building. The bouncer let us in with watchful eyes. Music screeched in my ear but the three of us were tingling with extreme exhilaration.

"Drinks are on me tonight in honor of me getting a job," I cheered.

"Madeline, dear, you are too responsible for me now," Cat chimed. She threw her head back and laughed. "We don't need a DD tonight!"

Sandra grabbed our hands and made a beeline for the bar. The bartender was hot. He had a shock of black hair with a perfect tan. His smile could make any woman faint.

"What kind of drinks can I get for you fine ladies?"

"Three martinis. With extra olives," Cat cooed with a wink.

Cat glanced over at me and Sandra and mouthed "He's mine." I laughed and handed her a bill to pay for the drinks.

When the bartender returned with our drinks, Cat glimpsed at his name tag. She leaned over to whisper something in his ear. His smile was full of lust and he nodded his head in response to her offers. She walked back with our drinks and handed me the bill I gave her earlier.

"What was all of that about?" Sandra asked with a sugary smile.

"Men are all the same. Offer them sex and they'll do anything for you."

I playfully nudged her. "Oh my God, Cat. Are you gonna get it on tonight?" I laughed and bumped her hip with mine.

"Does it look like I'm the kind of woman to let a man down? Hell no!"

All of us laughed and when we calmed down, my gaze ended up meeting the eyes of someone else.


Cat raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong?" Concern set in as she looked around.

"The guy sitting at the bar. Long black hair. He's my new boss," I answered.

"Oh fuck, Mads. Y'think he'll get mad when you go into work?"

"I-I don't think so. Being rebellious seems to be his kind of thing."

Sandra looped her arm with mine. "Let's go to the dance floor. Maybe that'll help take your mind off of things."

As we walked to the dance floor, I turned around for one last look and saw Mister Lawson's eyes following me. I glanced away and attempted to immerse myself in the moment. Tonight was about me and my girls.

Catty stepped in front me me with her legs entangled with mine. Sandra was behind me, pulling me against her. We lost ourselves in the powerful and roaring music. Everything was moving in slow motion. Bodies were flowing and rocking.

The colored lights were fading in and out, swirling together, and new splashes emerged. Pinks became purples, then turned into blues. The blues faded into a glorious yellow. The music slowed down.

Hands suddenly slid around my waist. I looked to meet the gaze of my boss. Mister Lawson turned to face Cat and Sandra.

"Mind if I cut in?" he said.

Cat and Sandra looked at each other and smiled. They nodded and headed back to the bar. My boss stepped in front of me with one hand on my back and the other holding my hand.

"You look really lovely tonight, Madeline."

I'm sure that I blushed. "You don't look so bad yourself, Mister Lawson."

"Please, call me David." He leaned his down, mouth close to my ear. His words sent shivers down my neck, sending the small hairs on end. Somehow, I couldn't comprehend his words.

Suddenly, everything seemed dangerous. I felt trapped. Both of David's hands were on my waist. His face was hovering about mine.

In my dark world, I shoved him away from me. David seemed guilty and sad. He opened his mouth to speak but I turned and ran away from him.

Somehow I ended up in the bathroom. A couple of girls with heavy makeup stared at me. I locked myself in a cubicle and leaned against the door. The girls continued gossiping with each other. Soon enough, they left one by one.

I left the stall for the sink to splash cold water on my face. After a few moments, I peeked through the door. My heart was pounding but there was no sign of David.Even after I left the restroom, there was no sign of Cat or Sandra. They weren't even at the bar.

Frustrated enough, I left the club and went to my car. If the girls wanted to talk, they can just call me.

Lost in my thoughts, a shadow zipped passed me. I spun.


No answer.


"Do you know how many girls are kidnapped when they're walking alone at night?"

I let out a small gasp and turned to face the voice that was behind me. David Lawson.

"What do you want?" I said. A snarky tone slipped in with my words.

"Now, is that any way to talk to your boss?"

I only stared at him. Anger started to bubble up and I refused to let it out.

"I didn't mean to upset you earlier so I figured out that the least I could do was walk you to your car."

He gestured for me to walk beside him. The walk was slow and silent. We approached my car and David opened the door for me.

"Thanks for walking with me to my car."

"My pleasure. Wouldn't want a pretty girl like you to end up as a man's slave." Dark humor crept into his voice.

"Well, good night, David. I'll see you at work tomorrow."

I entered my car and drove off, leaving him alone at the parking lot.

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