Chapter Five

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After my shift ended, David found me and asked me to go into his office. I let Emma know so she could finish up for me. By the time I made it there, David was sitting at his desk shifting through papers. I knocked on the door and he looked up with a smile. He put the papers back down on his desk and then gestured for me to take a seat. I sat in the exact seat from the first time I met him.

"There's a reason why I called you in here," said David.

"And what is that reason?" I asked.

David pushed his chair away from his desk and stood up. He snaked around his desk and leaned against it, looking down on me. His dark eyes looked menancing. Light that escaped from the covered windows made him look dark and mysterious. He scrunched his eyebrows trying to find words.

"I have an offer for you." David left those words hanging in the air.

"What kind of offer?"

He leaned down with his mouth close to my ear. His wispy breath tickled and caused goosebumps to emerge. "How about I make you mine?"

"What do you mean?"

David reached over his desk to get the papers he was looking at earlier. He handed them to me. At first I was confused about what I was reading but then I finally understood the meaning of his question.

He wants me to be his personal slut. My mind was racing, almost horrified about the idea. This also gives me another chance to see what he's really like in bed.

"I'll give you a week to think about it." David started to head to the door and stopped right before the threshold. He gave me a side glance before speaking, "Oh, and don't tell your lady friends." Then he left me alone in his office.

David could give me the time of my life. Or I could being making such a terrible decision for myself. Obviously this is a bad decision. I shouldn't even be considering it. Then my mind turned to Emma and the way her eyes sparkled whenever she was around David.

Oh my God.

Did David make the same offer with her? Just the idea of him proposing the same deal with her made me feel sick to my stomach. There was no way he could possibly find entertainment in this kind of predicament. I wonder if Emma took him up on his offer. Is she still lovestruck about what he did to her? David always looked liked he had no interest in her.

A terrible thought came to mind.

Would he lose interest in me?

I went home and sat by the phone, debating on whether or not to make the phone call. I could hear my parents' muffled voices from their bedroom. Shifting through the channels, my thoughts stumbled through the events of the day. There was so many different possible outcomes to how this situation could turn out. This could bring me guilty pleasure or leave me with an emotional heartbreak.

The suspense was killing me so I reached out and picked up the phone. I felt like a high school teenager staying up late just to talk to her boyfriend. The dialing tone seemed to go on forever. I just couldn't take it anymore.

"Hello?" His voice through my head.

"It's Madeline."

His voice turned dark but sugary sweet. "I was waiting for your phone call."

"You were expecting me to call?"

"Madeline, you're confused about what happened last night. Scared even. However, you found a new passion you want to pursue."

It's like he's inside of my head.

"How about we meet up to discuss the details of the offer. Meet me at Prima de la Café in one hour."

David hung up the phone. I could feel myself sinking deeper. Almost like falling into a endless hole with no way to get out. I had to muster the energy to get ready to meet David at the restaurant.

Prima de la Café. It sounded very classy and very public.

Of course that was exactly the type of place it was when I pulled up into the parking lot. David already had a table for us. He stood up and pulled out my chair for me.

"Thank you," I murmured.

"You look lovely, Madeline."

I just kept looking away from him. Unsure of what to do or say. The environment just seemed odd. This rebellious bad boy at a fancy café. This just did not seem like his kind of place to hang out.

"I know you want to get this over with. So we'll just start, if you'd like. Is there anything you want to know first?" David asked.

"Just tell me everything I need to know."

"Well first things first. This will be an act of passion between us. Not a relationship. However, you will not always get want you want. You will always answer to my call and summons but I will not answer to yours. Do not expect dates or outings as signs of love because again, this is for me to fulfil my wants with you. You may receive some gifts that I expect you to wear whenever I see you next.

Whenever I call or text you, I will only tell you three things: a location, a time, and what to wear. The moment you step into my car, you will be blindfolded so you do not know how to get to my home. When I am finished with you, I will return you to same place for you to go home. Days at work will remain the same. You will not tell anyone about this. Where you are going. Who you are with. Nothing. Is that understood?"

I nodded my head. "I do."

He slid a piece of paper and a pen in my direction. "Good. Now that everything is understood, this requires a signature that you will follow all those rules."

I briefly looked at the paper and grasped the pen. It was the same paper I looked at when he made the offer. My hand was shaky and my heart was racing as I scribbled my name across the paper. It almost felt like I signing my life away. I took a deep breath to try and control my nerves.

"It's a pleasure doing business with you, Madeline. Expect a call soon."

I took that as my cue to go so I stood up and rushed to my car. I tossed everything inside and just sat there for awhile. What has happened to me? I thought I was going to quit this life. I've been raped by my boss but instead of quitting my job and sinking into depression, I'm chasing after him. I want more. What is wrong with me?

Only if I could tell the girls about everything that's happening. We've never kept secrets from each other. I have another life now away from them, my family, and my job. What if things get too crazy and I can no longer keep that secret? I would rather keep my best friends than to keep chasing David if it comes to the point where I have to choose between them.

I had barely pulled up into my driveway when my phone buzzed. David Lawson's name was across the screen. Only three lines of words.

Greene Acres Park


Blue Dress

It was time for his second act of passion.

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