thirty six

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i pull the material of my sweatshirt tighter around my torso, my fingers trying to straighten out my curly hair obsessively, my eyes wandering between the fire that is glowing in front of me to phil's bright smile as he laughs about something with jake.

i am not really sure since when he became this social—one minute he was joking about pushing me into the river that we were walking by this afternoon and the next he was inviting zeke and his friends to spend the night with us over ed sheeran and cup noodles.

and now i'm sitting here on this damp log that i struggled to drag close enough to the fire and getting bored out of my mind. i'm not revolted by phil's choice of friends, it's certainly much better than mine, but i think phil sometimes forgets just how anti-social and awkward i am. people don't necessarily like me—or maybe it's the other way around but i can't bring myself to hold a conversation with any of the seven people present here except phil.

"dan, mate, you're depressing," zeke takes a seat beside me and swings his arm around my shoulder and i flush out of embarrassment, looking over at him and giving him a hesitant smile.

"excuse me, that's offensive," i joke and he laughs, his arm still resting loosely around my shoulders. i don't really mind but i'm not super comfortable either, but i guess zeke's company is better that sitting here alone like a lunatic.

"i haven't made a move to socialise with any of your friends so it would be great if you tell me their names," i nudge his side quietly and he looks over at me with a charming smile. he's kind of cute to be honest, his sandy hair match nicely with his tanned skin and his caramel eyes suit him better than one could imagine.

"alright so that's jake, with phil, who is looking at you by the way," he teases me and when i look at phil, he sure enough is. my cheeks redden automatically and i give him a shy smile and he smiles back, and it's probably the most beautiful thing i have ever seen. his eyes are shining under the soft glow of the fire even from afar and his lean frame is covered with a black jumper that contrasts with his skin just like his hair.

god, he's so pretty.

"i can continue if you both stop eye-fucking each other," zeke rolls his eyes and i look away from phil hastily, hitting zeke's arm playfully.

"shut up,"

"anyway, the redhead girl is sophia, the weird guy who is staring at rocks is matt, and the two lovebirds there are jane and julienne,"

"jane and julienne," i repeat their names. they sound so pretty together i almost want to squeal. "are they dating?" i ask as i let my eyes wander over the pair, the one with short black hair—jane, is laughing ridiculously as the other one just watches her with a fond smile.

"they deny it, but we're all rooting for them," he shrugs and i nod. they all seem like really nice people—only if we had met them sooner.


"you're not eating any more marshmallows or you're going to fucking die," i grip phil's arm as he attempts to grab his twentieth marshmallow and he looks at me with squinted eyes.

"come on," he whines, a small pout sitting on his pretty lips and i just wind my arm through his to hold him back, shaking my head at him.

"no way man,"

"man," he repeats, giggling slightly in the process and i roll my eyes at him in a fond manner. i let my vision wander around and when my eyes meet zeke's he wiggles his eyebrows in an annoying manner.

i let go of phil's arm and wrap my arms around myself, and i'm not sure how many times my cheeks are going to flush this night.

"what's wrong?" phil asks, his hand resting on the small of my back and i shake my head 'no' to which he just furrows his eyebrows.

"guys y'all are boring as shit," matt yells loudly and everybody looks at him like he has grown horns.

"what?" he crosses his arms across his chest defensively and i catch four people rolling their eyes at his tantrum.

"just say you want to play truth and dare again, you hippie," sophia comments and i'm lost on the joke as a few people laugh.

"hey it's better than watching all of you being gay as hell,"

"shut up," jane and julienne both mutter at the same time, shifting away from each other and looking at him with their eyes drawn to slits.

"alright who's going first?" zeke raises his eyebrows and matt shoots up his hand excitedly.

twenty minutes later, matt has climbed a tree and pissed from it, jane has fake proposed to julienne, sophia has plucked out fifteen hairs directly from her scalp, jake has dunked his entire head in mud and zeke has poured a can of chilled diet coke down his sweater.

"dan and phil, finally," zeke rubs his hands together in an annoying manner as he uses a towel as a barrier from the wet sweater touching his skin.

"you know we are separate people, right?" phil rolls his eyes.

"anyway, dare or dare?"

"what if i want to say truth?"

"no, i already have a combined dare for you both,"

"we aren't making out," phil states, and i hear jake mutter a silent 'crap' under his breath.

"oh no, i'm sure you guys do plenty of that when you're alone," zeke smiles sweetly and my cheeks flush yet again, but at least this time phil is there to share the experience with me.

"you're such an idiot," phil mumbles, running his hands through his hair in an attempt to hide his pink cheeks.

"so d-hizzle and p-lizzle," several groans are heard as soon as he says the words and i roll my eyes. "why don't you slow dance for us?"


hey !! i hope u guys are doing alright
this chapter is shit as always im not even going to bother saying anything more

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