~chapter 5~

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(I dedicate this chapter to CattyAngela and Lillith_Justice friendship)


"Well shouldn't you introduce us". A cold looking guy said.

Namjoon: "oh right these are our neighbors...

(End of recap)

Your POV:

Namjoon: "these are our neighbors Alex and y/n". He said introducing my sister and I.

Jungkook: "and these are our group members they're also our best friends". He said to me and Alex.

"Yes nice to meet you my name is min yoongi but you can call me suga". He said shaking my hand and smiling brightly with a cute gummy smile.

Wow how can someone go from being cold to being nice in 0.002 seconds I thought.

Yoongi: "and these are our members Jin, jimin, taehyung or you can call him tae and he likes to be called jhope". He said pointing to each boy, Alex and I just simply said hi and waved at them.

Y/n: "you guys have nice names". I complimented.

Alex: "yes, but why do you call him jhope". She asked curiously pointing at the boy.

Yoongi: "oh no, why'd you have to ask that". He said face palming.

How bad can it be for him to react that way about that simple question, I thought.

Jhope: "I'm your hope I'm your angle, I'm jhope". He said in a high pitched voice while flapping his hands like a bird.

Y/n: "oh my gosh". I said before bursting into laughter.

Alex was holding onto jungkook for support because she was laughing so hard that she couldn't stand properly.

Y/n: "you guys are Funny, nice to meet you". I said shaking their hands.

"Nice to meet you too". They all answered in union.

~ring ring~

The bell rang, we said goodbye and yoongi brought me to my class because his class is close to mine and jungkook and Alex had the same class so she just followed him.

Y/n: "bye yoongi". I said waving at him.

Yoongi: "bye I'll see you at a next class or at lunchtime". He said waving at me.

Y/n: "okay". I replied before going into the class.

I walked into the class and saw a empty seat between two girls so I went over to them.

Y/n: "hi can I sit here or is this seat taken". I asked politely pointing at the seat.

"Oh no it's fine no one sits here you can sit here if you'd like". One of the girls answered smiling at me.

Y/n: "thank you". I said sitting down.

"Hey I've never seen you around before are you new here". The other girl asked.

Y/n: "yes I am new here". I answered.

"Oh then my name is Emma and her name is Lilly, nice to meet you". She said shaking my hand and lilly did the same.

Y/n: "I moved here two days ago". I told them.

Lilly: "why did you move here". She asked.

Y/n: "I moved here because my mother got a new job here". I answered her question.

Neighbor - Kim NamjoonWhere stories live. Discover now