~chapter 23~

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My eyes widened in surprise the one and only Bambam standing before me.

Y/n: "Bambam". I said smiling widely.

Bambam: "oh you're y/n". He said as he remembered who I was.

Mom: "you two know each other". She said surprised

End of recap|

Your POV:

Y/n: "yeah we meet at the mall". I replied to my mother's question.

Mom: "how coincidental". She laughed lightly.

Mr Lee: "hi my name is Mr Lee I'm Bambam or as I call him Kunpimook's father and the boyfriend of your beautiful mother". He said gently taking ahold of mom's hand.

(A/n: yh no I'm not gonna keep writing Kunpimook because that's hard to remember lol let's stick with Bambam and I made up the name Mr Lee lol)

Alex: "hi my name is Alex it's nice to meet you". She introduced herself.

Y/n: "and my name is y/n I'm very happy to meet you". I introduced myself smiling brightly.

Mr lee: "I'm happy to meet you two beautiful ladies as well shall we be getting on our way now". He said pointing at the car.

"He's nice". Alex whispered to me as we made our way to the car.

"Yeah that's a good thing". I replied as we got into the car and fastening our seat belts.

Bambam: "who knew we'd meet again like this". He said as his father started the car and we headed off to the destination he had in mind.

~31.02 minutes later~

Alex: "can I ask you something Mr Lee". She asked sitting up from her slouched position.

Mr Lee: "of course what is it that you want to ask". He replied as he stopped the conversation he was having with Mom.

Alex: "where are we going exactly". She asked staring at him waiting for an answer.

Mr Lee: "we're going to a theme park you guys are gonna love it". He answered not taking his eyes off the road.

Alex: "yay I like theme parks". She cheered.

~the theme park~

The theme park was so much fun it was so colourful and had many games and rides to choose from.

Alex begged mom and Mr Lee to go on a roller coaster with her.

Not the best idea...

Bambam and I refused to go on the roller coaster because I'm terrified of them and Bambam wouldn't let me wait here alone sooo I am stuck with Bambam not that it's a bad thing.

Or is it....

*Face palm*

He dragged me to a cotton candy Stand to buy cotton candy obviously, BUT!! He refused to get the cotton candy on a stick .

I know what you're thinking what in the world do you mean by that where else would you put cotton candy....

His hands of course.

Dear lawd.

He makes the cotton candy man put the cotton candy on his hands.

What? Why? Who does that?

Bambam of course.

I get my cotton candy on a stick of course because I'm a normal person.

You think Getting cotton candy on his hands was weird he, runs around dabing EVERYWHERE!!


While I myself runs after him looking more like an Idiot.

And everyone is looking at us weirdly.


I got it!!!

I'll just take out my phone and take videos of him so people won't think I'm close to him in anyway.

I'm a genius!!

~several dabs later~

My mom calls me on my phone to find out where I am because they finished the roller coaster ride.

And guess what we're on the other side of the theme park how fun.

Note the sarcasm.

I tell her that I'll find her and hang up the phone only to collapse on a bench near by.

Bambam notices and runs over.

Bambam: "are you okay". He asks sitting next to me.

I lazily look at him giving him a weak smile not wanting him to think that I'm not having fun.

Bambam: "I'm sorry y/n". He began.

I raised my eyebrows as I was very confused as to why he is apologizing.

Y/n: "why are you apologizing". I asked

Bambam: "I am apologizing because I'm giving you a hard time". He said sighing.

"I'm only giving you a hard time because I didn't want my father to be in a relationship I wasn't ready for him to find someone new...... I wasn't ready for him to move on". He said looking into my eyes I look back into his and I can see his sincerity.

Y/n: "it's okay I get it". I assured patting his shoulder.

"Thank you y/n". He smiled hugging me.

I was surprised at first but didn't hesitate to hug back.

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