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once again i cant sleep. memories of everything that has happened for the past few months has been going through my mind non stop. i know iris is saved, but i cant help but feel that something else is going to happen... i just have a feeling... 

maybe it would be best if i didn't think of that though... 

(story writing mode now? idk lol)

i groaned in annoyance as i looked down at the computer screen. i have an essay due in just a few hours and i do NOT wanna do it. of course i could do it in a few seconds, but i really just dont wanna do it. 

i finally decided to suck it up and be the man i used to be, and just did it. i slammed down the computer screen and ran over to iris's house (aka my old apartment). 

"hey barry" she waved, not looking up from the book she was reading. i sighed. i still had a small part of me that really loved her, but lately, it has been fading... the love was being replaced by a sibling love... 

"hey iris." iris looked up from her book. 

"you ok?" i had to think about that. was i really ok? everything has been changing so fast... everything was so confusing... so new... 

i shook my head. "no" i decided. "i'm not ok."

iris quickly looked concerned. this was clearly not the answer she was expecting. "whats wrong?"

"everything" i replied with a sigh. "everything just happened so fast, its so confusing, and so uncomfortable. i just dont know what to do." iris sat up, and patted the couch asking me to come sit next to her.

"barry" she pulled me into a side hug "its going to be confusing. you were just turned into a teen again AND a girl." she laid her head on mine and I leaned into her touch. 

"I... I'm just scared iris... this is taking way longer than I expected..." iris gave me a slight squeeze.

"I know barry... but it will be ok. I promise. cisco will find a way to turn you back soon I'm sure."

"but... what if he doesn't?" iris looked at me "what if I'm stuck like this... forever?" we sat in silence.

"we... umm... we will get to that if it comes." we stayed like this for the rest of the night. eventually we had a blanket, and a movie was on. we would laugh and make fun of all of the mistakes, and errors... she managed to take my mind off of the situation.  i looked at her and smiled. as long as iris is here, i think im gonna be ok.

Flash Through Like LightningHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin