Messy Weirdness

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“Ok barry. Lets see how fast you can go.” i looked over at my brother and smirked.

“Nothing has changed walls. Your still going down.”

“Oh really?” he walked up to me and had to look down to look me in the eye. I crossed my arms and pouted. “I’ve gotten faster short stuff.”

“Shut up wallace.” we got in position to run and before we took off, i whispered under my breath. “So did i” i smirked.

“Ok ready?” cisco stood between us and put his hand in the air. We nodded. “Ok. Go!”

We took off with wally in the lead. He looked back at me with a smile and he mouthed “i told you!” i glared at him and kicked into high gear. Soon enough, i was way ahead of him. When i reached the line i sat and waited.

“Took you long enough” i said with a smirk. Wally just glared at me.

“Yeah yeah. Whatever.” i rustled his hair, well at least tried, and we went back inside.


“The both of you reached new speeds.” cait said from behind her computer. What she said seemed to interest wells and he looked at her screen.

“Hm. they did.” he looked up at us. “Good work you two.” i beamed.

“About time right? It has only been like, i don't know, forever?” i saw wells smirk.  

“Hey guys!” jesse walked in. she received a series of “hey!’ “hello!” and “what's up!”

“What's going on here?” she looked at the screen her father had previously been looking at.

“We were just recording Barry and Wally's speeds.” cait answered. Immediately Jesse's face lit up.

“No.” Wells warned. “You are not-”

“Is it still on?” She asked cait.

“Well yes but I don't think-” a gust of wind blew by cait, flying papers across the room. “Your father wants you too.” she finished as she quickly tried to stop the papers from flying everywhere. Wells sighed. Cait just sent over an apologetic look.

“Hey, she's not doing to bad.” Wally stated. He was staring at the screen with an impressed look. “Faster than I was when I started.”

“Really? Let me see.” i stood next to Wally and watched on in awe at her gaining speed.


Narrator p.o.v.

“Ok Barry. Come on!” Iris yelled.

“This is ridiculous!”

“No it's not! It's the end of the school year, and your going to do it like everyone else!”

“Why?!? I didn't do it the first time around!”

“That's exactly why you're doing it now!” Barry let out a frustrated groan.

“Joe! A little help here!” Joe looked at the area where Barry was.

“I'm sorry bar… Iris is forcing me too.”


“umm, three now.” Wally added in.

“I wasn't asking you Wally!” Wally sank back into his chair with a slight hurt expression. Barry sighed and continued quieter.

“Just… help me out Joe? Wally? Iris is forcing me against my will.”

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