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This man will be the death of me.

"Reyyyyyy" i shouted on the top of my lungs .
My husband stood there with a confused expression on his face. Whats wrong wifey?
He asked!
Whats wrong ! you are asking me whats wrong?
I'll tell you whats wrong, I gave him a furious reaction.
I cant fit into any of my clothes. Look at me , I look like a fcuking whale and you made me a whale . Why cant you learn to keep it in your pants or better why cant you learn to pull out on time ! I was screaming like a mad women because I am carrying his babies. Imagine someone please that I was scared of becoming mum of a single child and now I have two of his  buns in my oven .
He was scared , of my this form it was evident on his face but you cant feel pity on the guy because he did this to me . On top of that I cant fit into good clothes and its my biggest nightmare trust me.
I know I am being unreasonable here but hey dont blame me . Blame my hormones and dont even blame my hormones blame Rey's hormones which made me all crazy .
I then started crying .


Why are you crying baby girl? I asked my wife.
I know she acts crazy these days but I dont blame her , its the pregnancy.
She was first angry , that I made her pregnent and now she is crying .
She looked at me with her beautiful innocent eyes. " Now that I am pregnent , I have become fat and I look like a whale and after giving birth my body will change and I'll become ugly then you will leave me and have other girlfriends like before. "
I was shocked .I looked at her good 2 mins .
I pulled her into my lap with her face facing me . I pulled her chin up , making her look in my eyes. Hey , I find nothing more sexy then you carrying my babies , and you will never get ugly for me . You are still the beautiful hard headed girl for me who tied pigtails to a wedding and still stood the cutest among all .
She was suprised , when did you saw me tying pigtails to a wedding I never did that , she said.
She was beyond confused and I intended to do that to her. 

Well what do you think is the first time I saw you? I asked her

We met in the washroom before my interview , remember she answered me with uncertainity in her eyes.

Wrong , I answered with a big smile on my face.

Well you were young and chubby that time when I first saw you . That time I think you must be near around 11-12 but you looked the cutest . Well , that time I was a  raging teen with raging hormones who was out of control but I still found something with a vagina cute not exactly me but it was me.  Then with time I forgot about that cute little face of yours but when I saw your pictures it kept me thinking that if I have seen this face before.

After a hard time thinking I remembered it was you the cute girl who spilled water over me and got away with it because you were so cute and angelic.

Shreya , looked towards me with so much of emotion that it was like she was about to cry again.

I kissed her dried tears , baby girl I dont care how much of weight you gain or loose but I love you so much that I wont replace you for the world .

And you dont look like a whale to me , for me you are carrying my kids which is the sexiest thing in the world and if you are so concerned about your post pregnancy body then with a big smirk on my face I said , " we will have more sexy time and we'll work double so that you can get rid of it in the most pleasant way possible and also I can practice more on my pulling out skills". She blushed with her head in my chest .

You know you are too much , she said to me.

Only for you baby and with that I kissed her hard and you guys know what happens next.


Stuck with the bossNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ