Lightning Mcqueen

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(Lightning Mcqueen pov)
A race car named (Y/n) (L/n) as been missing for 2 years now.Everyone was trying to look for her.Report were asking me to where I think she is.She's a friend of my but I don't know her that well."Lightning Mcqueen where do you think (Y/n) (L/n) is?"said a female reporter."I don't have a clue.She is a good friend but I don't know her that well."I said.I hear cars taking pictures.I might have a small crush on her."So your saying she's going to go missing forever."said the reporter."No!I don't mean it like that.I just don't have a clue were she is.She's the only female racer we all know.We just need to look harder."I said.She's the only female racer in the whole wide world.She's very famous.More famous then any racer.I just hope we can find her.
*At night*
I'm being chased by a police car!!I was a lot more faster then him but a other car was catching up to me.It was a female.I was dumping into cones.
((Y/n) pov)
I caught up to sheriff."Whats wrong?"I said."This car is going over 30 mph.He's going 70 mph.I can't catch up to him."said the sheriff."Maybe I can help."I said."Sure but hurry before he drives away."he said.I quickly stepped it up to 80 mph.I'm catching up to him.He was knocking the cones out of his way.I tried not to drive over the cones.I was on kinda next to him.I was going to say stop until I didn't see the huge cone I'm about to crash in.I put the brakes on.I left marks and smoke came out of my tries.I stopped just on time.I guess I have to be in race car mode.I slowly reversed and drove around the cone.I then raced after him this time 90 mph.I was next to him.I went at his speed 80 mph.He was ruinning the road.I went 100 mph so I can go in front of him and make him use the brakes.It worked.I was now in front I went to my side and stopped causing him to put his brakes on.He was so close to dumping into me.But he was able to stop.The sheriff came huffing and puffing.He's tried because his an old car version."Thanks (Y/n)."he said."No problem."I said."Wait-"said the car but blacked out before he could answer.He must be really sleepy.The sheriff put a wheel clamp on the car.He then took him to were they put the car that break the law.Looks like we have to go to court tomorrow.I drove to my house.Its no long in the cone.I drove to my house.It was the color (favorite color).The door opened by itself I slowly derived in.There was picture of me as a race car and picture of me now in radiator spring.I then put on radio on in low volume.So I don't wake anyone up."Lightning Mcqueen where do you think (Y/n) (L/n) is?"said a reporter."I don't have a clue.She is a good friend-"said Lightning Mcqueen but I quickly turned it off.My (eye color) eye were stinging.I want to hold the tears back but I failed.I softly and quietly started to cry.He was my ex boyfriend.He cheated on me with a other girl.That's when I became a race car.Lightning Mcqueen did to after he break up with his girlfriend.He kept on saying it wasn't him it was someone else who was pretending to be him.But I don't believe him.Not one bit.I soon cried myself to sleep.
​*Next day*
​​​​​​My alarm woke me up.I turned it off.The door opened and I drove out to the court room."Ready (Y/n)."said Sally in a cheerful."Ready as I'll ever be."I said."Race you."she said and drove really fast."No head start!"I yelled driving after her.She's like a sister to me.We're the same age.
*At court*
​​​​"The radiator spring will come to order."said the sheriff.Mater helped Lightning Mcqueen come in.
 (Lightning Mcqueen pov)
I thought I saw (Y/n) last night when she made me put the brakes on.But I guess it was someone else.
((Y/n) pov)
I tried my best to hide from Lightning Mcqueen.Everyone was complaining and saying Lightning is a bad car."I got to go to California pronto."said Lightning.Just like I had to go a long time ago."Where's your lawyer."said sheriff."I don't know.Tahiti maybe.He's got a timeshare there."said Lightning."When a defended doesn't have no lawyer.The court will assign one to him.Hey!Anyone to be his lawyer."said sheriff.Everyone backed away."Anyone."said sheriff.I want to stand up for him.Fine.I sigh."I'll be his lawyer."I said.I drove and stand next him."(Y/n)."he said.He was covered with dust.Me all clean as always."This is were you been for 2 years."Lightning whispered.I didn't respond to him.He looked to see I still have the numder 95.Yes I was on the same team as him.I use to be.The number 96 was scratched off.It was paint but it got scratched off it shows the number 95."Your not going to answer are you."he said.I stayed slient.He sighed quietly.The door was opened with full force.That must be the Doc.I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying.He then noticed it was a race car like me.He noticed we both had the same number 95.Lightning smiled a nervous one."Throw him out of here Sheriff.I want him out of my courtroom.I want him out of my town.Even (Y/n).Case dismissed."said Doc."Yes!"said Lightning."What?!"I said.Out of his town!!!Is it because of the number!!He can't do this!!This is my home!Where I lived for 2 years.Sally came in.Lightning and Sally had there own conversation.I ignored the conversation.He always flirt with pretty girls.This is how I ended up breaking up with him too.He cheated on me and flirts with other cars even when he has a girlfriend.
*5 minutes later*   
"Yes!"I said."No!"said Lightning.Sally convinced Doc to let me stay and Lightning to fix the road."Great.Just what I need.I'm never make it to the race."said Lightning."You care more for a race then a town."I said."What happened to the other (Y/n) who loves to race."he said."I still love racing but I give up the sport I guess."I said."You give it!You really have changed."he said."Not like you who cheats on people and flirt with other cars."I said in an angry tone.I quickly drove out of the courtroom."Wait!(Y/n)!"he called out to me but I didn't listen.
(Lightning pov)
"Wait!(Y/n)!"I yelled she didn't bother to listen.I would never cheat on her.It was someone who acted like me.I do flirt with girls but not when I have a girlfriend.I only flirt with my girlfriend."Wow.You guys must have a really bad past."said Mater."Yeah.We did."I said in a sad tone.I just want her back again like the old time.Same team.Everything.

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