Day 10

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I waited outside the school, waiting for the guy to place the money on the bench. In was only a few days and I have killed 7 people on the list and unlike the first, I got to have fun before they died.

I've been waiting for him to show up for over 20 minutes now and I'm starting to think he's not going to show. I could wait another day for him since the newest kill just came on the news this morning but I was sure he saw it.

I decided that I wanted people to know that the same person was killing these people, so I started to leave a sign. It wasn't anything big. Such as in my last kill, I left a mark.

It was about 1 in the morning and the girl, Maya, just stopped screaming. I walked over to her body, finding out if she had died or passed out. She had no pulse. Dead, final. That had taken over 4 hours. I watched her for a minute before I came up with an idea. This was my third kill and so far, no one thought it was the same person. So, I took out my knife and carved in a name. It wasn't my name anything that anyone would track back to me. A simple name, Rapunzel. It would make it look a girl doing it, or at least I hope.

I walked out fo the room feeling great. That was an amazing kill. No one could help her. Too bad she lives in the middle of nowhere.

Anyway, ever since, I have been leaving the same mark. It was something that showed it was mine and no one else could take it from me. I smiled. Finally, he showed up. He looked around like he always did. I don't know why he did that. Was he looking for me? Who cared anyway.He walked over to the bench, sat for a minute and left without his bag. Once he was in his car, I walked over and sat down. I reached under and grabbed the bag. The bag has R 30 written on it. The number stood for how much money was in the bag and the letter for who was dead, Rob. I opened the bag and grabbed the money out of it. I placed it in my backpack and got up to throw away the bag. The bell rang on time.

I walked up to the school. Twin Tree was like other high schools. It had math and English but specialized in science and technology. It was a pretty cool place to go. There is a waiting list to get in and all. I was lucky to have a father that worked here before he died. The requirements for students to attend are to take at least one extracurricular and had to keep a GPA of 3.5 to stay here. I would usually keep my GPA about a 3.6 in case they would try to kick me out. It wasn't like I wasn't smart, I didn't have time to do homework with all this killing I was doing.

This school was a place that made me want to kill myself but where would the fun be in that? School had too many rules and expectations, but when I'm out in the field of killing, nothing can stop me. I might need to find a friend. All this talk of killing is making me depressed.

I walked up to my locker and put my backpack in it before heading to class. I had biology then history. Both classes were the easiest and it was the easy to get away with planning murders. I walked into class right as the bell rang. Perfect timing, if I say so myself.

I took a seat in the back. I looked at the board to see what we would be doing today. A lab, great. So never mind the whole planning thing. Mr. Black went to the front after he took attendance and talked about the lab, a dissecting lab. I laughed to myself. That is my favorite part of this class. We will be spending the next few days on it. We would have to work with partners too. Fucking great.

He called out the groups. He went through everyone's name before he got to me. "Tyler Page and Avery Lynch. That's everyone, get to work." Everyone got up and headed to the back of the room. Who the hell is Avery? I never heard of her before.

"Hello, are you Tyler?" I looked up and saw this girl. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. She was cute.

"Yeah, and you're Avery?" She nodded. "Okay, let's go." We got the last lab in the front.

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