Day 29

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The sound of constant beeping was getting on my nerves. What would happen if I turned it off? No, bad idea. The doctors wouldn't know if he was alive.

Speaking of doctors, his doctor walked in."How are we doing, Tyler?"

"Pretty awesome comparing to him." I looked over at Quinn. After we slid down the road, we went over the side of the mountain. Lucky for us, someone was driving down the road and called 911 for us. We were both unconscious when they arrived at the hospital. I woke up soon after that and I wasn't that hurt. After they ran many tests, they let me out. Quinn wasn't so lucky. The doctor told me that he had inner bleeding and a few broken bones. He still hasn't woke up.

"Well of course." He said. "I will then..." He walked over to the clipboard.

I'm tired of this. I wanted to get out but I need to make some plans. There was a small knock on the door before it opened. It was Quinn's parents. Great, the fun can start.

"Hi, how everything going?" His mom, Brooke, asked.

The doctor looked up from his work. "Hello, you must be his parents." He shocks both of their hands. They went out into the hallway to talk.

"If you're just going to die, you could have made my day easier," I muttered as my phone rang. "Hello?" I said.

"Hi, baby, how are you? I heard you like almost died and now you are-"

"Avery, stop right there. I'm fine. Can you come?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure." She answered. Thank god, I might need her right now."See you soon?"

"Yeah but, Ty, what happened?"

"It doesn't matter right now. Just get here." I hung up.

"...And that about all I can tell you at this point." The doc said as they walked back into the room.

"Thank you." Quinn's dad, Isacc, said as they shook hands.

Once the doctor left, Brooke asked, "So what's the plan? And what the hell did you get yourself into that you thought it would be okay to attempt to kill our son?"

"I didn't want to," I said, watching Quinn. "I was going to find a way around it but then this happened. We had it all set but everyone already thinks he's dead, so..." I shrugged.

"You still when through with the plan?" She asked, surprised.

"No, it's that they thought Quinn was dead that the scene and just about called it there." I read about this.

"Then what's the plan?" Isacc asked, crossing his arms.

"I don't know. I just need to do one more thing and I'm done."

"Damn straight you're done," Brooke said. "You will never do this again."

I wasn't going to say anything. I'm pretty sure that they wouldn't tell anyone but who knows?"

I need to go," I said, standing up from the chair that I sat in for too long.

"Where?" They asked at the same time.

"Anywhere," I took one last glance at Quinn. "I just need to leave."

I don't have anywhere to be but I had one more thing I had to do. I had to kill someone who was most likely natural paranoid due to being so high up in his job.

I still don't understand why the guy I'm working for has some of these names on the list. Quinn for example. He hasn't done anything but yet he was there. And this next guy, Drake Slayer, I couldn't figure it out why they would be on the list. But that didn't matter that much. But why? I would still ask myself.

I couldn't find much on his, so I was going to have to go a bit more old school on this one. But I did find out that he has a bitter ex and she was willing to hook me up. We were planning on meeting tonight. I was going to care about how I go about this one. I had a bit of a pattern that I was going to break. Maybe I shouldn't kill him and just poison him or something? Take a less direct route but I would miss out on all the fun.

As I walked out of the hospital, I got a text.

A: All be there soon

T: Meet me at Toguna Park

I was there for about half an hour. It was a bit far but whatever. It wasn't the hospital.

"Hey," Avery said as she took a seat next to me on the bench.

"Hi," I leaned over and gave her a kiss but pulled back when I felt like we were being watched.


"Is someone watching us?"

She sighed. "Yeah, it's my dad. It was the only way he would let me come and I really wanted to see you." She kissed me again.

I laughed before I freaked out of a second. "Does he know it was me?" I didn't want to ruin everything I had put into being his friend.

"Yeah, he figured that much. He's very pissed, by the way. about the window."

"I think we have bigger problems right now."

"Don't you ever take a minute and look at what you do?"

"Yeah, I sometimes dream about meeting the families of the ones I kill but not much else." I shrugged as I placed a hand on her shoulders, pulling her close.

"That's not what I meant. But whatever. I don't know anymore." She looked away.

"Avery, tonight I need you to stay with Quinn while I go off and finish the list." I kissed the side of her head.She laughed and looked back at me. "Is that why you're being all love like in public?"

I smirked. "That and I want to piss off your dad."

"You are ridiculous."

"And you love me."

"Sure, let's go with that." I laughed. I'm pretty sure that she loves me. And me, on the other hand, believe that I love her.

"You have a plan?" She asked.

"Yeah, and it's all going to go as planned."

"Are you going to do it in a random alley again, are you?" She frowned, probably remembering that night.

"No, it's going to be more like the last two. In the middle of nowhere."

"Then how does someone keep finding the bodies?"

"Because I leave enough clues to find them but not enough to have it lead back to me." I smile and kiss her again.

"I love you." She said as she kissed me again."I-"

"Avery, we have to go," Ray yelled. Fuck him right now.

We broke apart. Avery got up. "I'll talk to him. I'm pretty sure this has to do with work." She leaned in for a last kiss before she left.

I took a deep breath. Everything is going as planned.I left the park and headed out to the place to meet Mr. Slayer. I didn't have any weapons other than some headphones, which I was going to use to kill him.

He was there when I arrived. I carefully had my headphones in my hand so he couldn't see them. This had to come as a surprise.

"Who the hell are you?" He asked when he saw me.

"No one important." I shrugged. "Just passing through. You look like you're waiting for someone."

"Yeah, my ex said she would meet me here." Wow, that was honest.

"Well," I got closer and finished when I was in arms distance from him. "That sucks that she's not going to make it." I quickly moved to chock him with the headphones. It didn't take long for him to die. It just wasn't that exciting. I craved the name and left. I need to somehow wake Quinn up and get back to it.

To start, I'm story that I'm a bit late. It was a late night and I just didn't finish editing. Next, thank you for those who have read my story and vote for it. Lastly, I will publish the Q&A chapter soon, maybe next week.

Question: Have you

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