Chapter 19 : Secrets

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 Carter's P.O.V

 Walking back to the farm, I drop the buck in front of the camp, stretching my back to make it crack in a few places before relaxing. Glenn questions if I want some peaches. I shrug before taking two. " You alright?" I ask, noticing him fidgeting.

 " I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be? Are you fine?" he rambles. I stare for a few seconds before taking the basket out of his hands, placing it on the ground before pulling him away from the camp. When we're far enough in the field I stop us.

 " Look, if something's up you need to tell me. You're acting like you have a gun to your head and everyone's lives are at stake." The final words leaving my mouth make him more pale as I grow more concerned. " Okay you are telling me right now 'cause you know I'll find out on my own."

 He looks around a few moments. Taking a deep breath, he says, " Lori is pregnant and the barn is full of walkers." I stare at him as he continues, " Don't tell anyone please, no one is supposed to know." I take in a deep breath, a sigh escaping before nodding my head, walking off to Daryl's and my tent.

 By the time I finish my peach I'm only a few yards away, seeing Andrea walking away. As she notices me she quickly jogs to me.

 " Look I'm sorry. I didn't know it was you. I feel like shit. Is there any chance you can forgive me?"

 " Yeah yeah," I say after a few moments. " Next time listen to Rick and you shot me again, pray you aimed right," I growl, walking to the tent. I duck down to get inside, relaxing on my bed as Daryl hands me a book. I give him his peach.

 " She wanted to give this to you as of thanks." I skim through it, seeing it titled ' The Case of The Missing Man.'

 " It's a shitty book. I already read it," I state, dropping it beside me before laying down, trying to relax before giving up.

 " You gonna be fine on your own while lookin' for her Softie?" I question smirking, sitting up so my legs dangle off the bed.

 " Shut up. I'll be okay when the girl is found." I roll my eyes before giving a goodbye, walking out to meet Rick, Shane and Jimmy by the truck.

 " The creek flows south, past that farmhouse you two found. Maybe Sophia dropped the doll there. The current brought it downstream," Rick explains to me.

 " So you think she took this road here and then went north?" I ask.

 " Yeah. What's up there?" he questions Jimmy.

 " A housing development. It went in maybe ten years ago."

 " Shane, take a run up there after gun practice. I'll hold down the fort her, but take backup. We need to start staying in pairs." He glances at me for a few moments before saying, " You stay here."

 " I'm fine Rick."

 " No. You have a concussion, you need to rest." I glare in annoyance before walking back towards my tent. I throw myself onto my bed, letting out an annoyed groan.

 " What?"

 " Says I can't go 'cause of my concussion." My eyes begin darting back and forth across the roof of the tent before sitting up again, grabbing my bow and quiver, slinging them on my back.

 " What are you doing?"

 " You think I'm actually going to listen?" I question, looking over at him as he sits up. I stick my Glock in my jeans before grabbing my knife.

 " You're hurt. You need to relax."

 " I'm fi-" I cut myself off, standing up too quickly. Everything starts spinning and becoming blurry. I squeeze my eyes tight and I sit on my bed, holding my head. As the pain goes I slowly open my eyes, blinking slowly.

 " You're staying." I look up at the redneck, annoyance growing before removing my weapons, placing them on the floor. " What'd you do with the flower I gave you?"

 I stare in confusion before the memory comes back to me, making me look in my bag for the book, which I find easily. I skim through, finding the page with the flower before handing it to him.

 " Thought you'd throw it out," he murmurs.

 " Nah. It's one of the only things I still love in this shitty world."

 " Anything else?" he ask, making me contort in more confusion. " Anything else you love?"

 " My baby." He stares at me in shock before I point at my bow. He rolls his eyes before motioning to continue. " I don't have much love for anything else. I've had it since I was a teen."

 " C'mon. How about people?" I feel my face heat up slightly. I frantically shake my head no. ' Why are you embarrassed now?'

 " You have to at least met someone?"

 " I love Sophia like a daughter. I know that for a fact." 

 " Anyone else?"

 " I-I don't know." ' What is wrong with me?'

 " What's with the stutter?" I look up, seeing him with a smug look.

 " Shut up Softie," I snap, flipping him off. He smirks before sitting up, allowing his feet to hit the floor as he's faced me. He leans in, his face becoming too close to mine. Almost impossible to bear.

 " If you won't answer that, how about you tell me what you were dreamin' to make you cling onto me." I look away from him, only for his hand to grip my chin softly, moving me so I look at him. He has a smug look on his face, knowing I'm embarrassed from the redness of my cheeks.

 " N-Nothin'."

 " You sure?" He questions, his smirk growing wider. I swallow thickly, pulling his grip away from me. Standing up, I walk out of the tent, hoping anyone else needs my help.

" Where you going?" I hear the smugness in his voice.

 " Anywhere but you!"

peaches & softie | daryl dixon ✅Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ