Chapter 48: Home / A/N

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  A/N So I'm thinking of making a Daryl Dixon Imagines book. What do you think? If you like it can I get some requests please?

Carter's P.O.V

 " Peaches. I need you to wake up for me. I miss you Carter. Wake up Peaches. Please. I need you Carter Foyer."

 My eyes snap open quickly, taking in a sharp breath as if it was my last one. I roll over, hitting concrete with a loud thud. I cough a few times, getting my breathing together. I groan, looking around to see I'm in the prison. A prison cell is more accurate, but Daryl isn't beside me.

 I grab the bed frame, making it so I'm on a knee. I yelp in pain, grabbing my side as I see my leg beginning to bleed. I pull myself up again, grabbing the frame of the top bunk. I slowly limp out of my cell, looking to see Hershel in front of the doorway to the lounge, Glenn arguing with Hershel. I look farther back, seeing Michonne push her weight off the wall, mumbling something that they all hear yet I can't.

 Hershel turns around, seeing that I'm awake before using his crutches to get over to me. " Carter, you need to go back to bed. You just woke up. You opened the wound on your leg."

 " After being out for almost a day?" I scoff," Nah. I'll pass." I limp over, passing the door to the lounge, seeing a small diagram of the prison. I look around, seeing two people missing. " Where's Rick and Daryl?" I ask. None of them answer me, only averting their eyes away from me. " What happened?"

 " Rick's okay," Glenn finally answers, making me look at the Asian. " Um-Daryl. He-"

 " Where is he?" I ask again, my voice rising.

 " He left." I look over at Carol, my mouth ajar.

 " What-What?" I stutter, a humorless smile growing on my face. " You're-You're kidding right?" She slowly shakes her head no. I scoff, turning my neck so I'm looking at the ground, my grip on the table tightening.

 " Are you alright?" Carol questions.

 " Fine. J-Just fine." I let out a heavy breath, grabbing the auto rifle leaning up against the wall across from me. " I'll take watch. I'll be in the closest tower," I state, limping away as Glenn calls my name.


 Carter's P.O.V

 Closing the door, I walk away from the tower, my grip tight on my rifle, hearing Glenn arguing with Hershel again. " With Daryl wandering around, Rick in crazy town  and Carter stuck in her own head, I'm the next in charge." I stop in my steps, thinking a moment as I see him walking to the car with Hershel trailing.

 " The hell you talking about me for?" I question, making the boy turn around, as does Hershel who looks at me. I limp over to Glenn, being a few feet away now.

 " It's nothing," he tries to shut it down.

 " Nah, nah, nah. It wasn't nothing. If you wanna say somethin' please say it to my face then." He looks away from me, keeping his mouth shut. " What do you believe I've lost my mind?"

 " I don't know," he finally responds. " Probably. What you went through wasn't required. We could hear you through the walls-"

 " Oh you thought that was me making those noise? Let me tell it wasn't. Those screams of pain that could be heard throughout the whole building was mine. The blood was mine. The bruises are mine. My pride and dignity have disappeared thanks to that night.

 " But no one ever questioned if I was okay. Maggie had you. You had Maggie. I lost Daryl, the love of my fucking life! So yes, I may be a tad bit unstable and yes, I am in a shit ton of pain but don't you ever, ever think I've lost my mind." I scoff, walking away from the two. " That'll be the fucking day!" I scream, slamming the door to the prison shut.

 I sit down on my bed, groaning in annoyance before quietening myself down, knowing it won't do anything. Footsteps grow louder, making me look up from my hands. " Hey," Beth greets, holding the baby with a half-filled bottle. I only grunt in a greet. " Can you help me feed her? I wanna make Daddy something to eat."

 " Ask Maggie for help. She's better than me," I state, tightening my boots, grabbing my bow and quiver from my top bunk.

 " Where are you going?"

 " I'm gonna clear out part of the prison," I reply, checking the ammo in my gun before placing it in the waistband of my jeans.

 " You're still injured. You need to recover." I scoff lightly, seeing one of Daryl's old flannels still lying around. My smirk falters, picking up the shirt, his scent still wavering. " You doing this isn't gonna help anything."

 " I know," I reply, cracking my neck, " but I can relieve my anger." I drop the shirt, moving past her and down the stairs. I open the doors to the corridors, slamming it behind me. Grabbing my flashlight and knife, I start walking, hearing Beth call my name.

 3rd P.O.V

 The prison gets attacked minutes after Carter goes inside. The rest do as much as they can, shooting many bullets buts missing most. An engine begins to roar, making the group panic as a vehicle breaks through the gate, parking itself inside before it's backdoor open, allowing at least a dozen walkers escape. The Governor and his men leave, the group having to fend for themselves. Rick moves quickly only to get caught in between two walkers. An arrow pierced on of them, Daryl saving the sheriff. The two Dixon's help Rick fend the walkers off, killing each before noticing they're trapped  outside.

 " How's Carter?" Daryl asks Rick.

 " I-I, I don't know," was his only response.

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