Ch. 30 - Trouble in paradise

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No one's POV

As if Irene weren't freaking out enough on the patio, the appearance of a helicopter above nearly sent her over the edge.

"It's a monster!" The Victorian patient shrieked, as she pointed to the helicopter as it zipped by.

Seulgi immediately took Irene's hand and assured her it was not a monster but a flying machine. Seeing that she'd had enough, she then rolled Irene back to her room, all the while trying to explain the various forms of modern transportation. The Latina-American only half listened, however as she was still quite rattled.

After Irene was eased into bed, she quickly fell asleep, having been worn out by her little trip to the patio.

The Korean rebel at that point lowered her head and slumped into a chair. Seulgi was most certainly getting the feeling that things were not going as well as she had hoped.


Irene slept for a while, then waking just before lunch. Lunch was fine, save for the fact that the Korean-American was forced to explain what Jello was. Seulgi hated Jello more than any other food in existence, her mom made it all the time for dinner when she was growing up. That wobbling food substance constantly reminded her of tense, quiet and uneasy dinners at the Kang household. It's never easy growing up in a house where your parents hate each other.

"So as I explained, it's called Jello. It comes in many flavors and can be used in different ways like in salads, as a dish by itself, and many say it's fun." Seulgi explained, in a rather matter of fact tone of voice.

"Oh..." Irene mumbled as she put some on her plastic fork and watched the red colored substance wobble. She then shoveled it in her mouth.

"I like this Jello. Do you like Jello?"

The Korean rebel shuddered and glared at the rather innocuous looking half eaten square of Jello on Irene's tray, "No, I hate it. It's evil."

"So I shouldn't eat it then?" Irene asked puzzled.

"No eat it if you like it, just keep it out of my sight. I can't stand to eat or even look at Jello."

The Victorian patient quickly finished off the Jello and continued with her lunch. Irene had calmed down slightly since this morning, but still felt very uneasy and scared about what she had seen. Strange looking buildings and flying machines, she understood none of it.

Just after lunch, Mary arrived to see how Irene was doing. Seulgi had previously explained to her of who Mary was and how she had helped the Korean rebel. Irene greeted the elderly woman with utmost courtesy and thanked Mary for her generosity.

Once Mary expressed a desire to hear more about the Victorian age and what it was like, the Latina-American seemed to perk up a bit.

Seulgi at this point excused herself to take a break and get something to eat. Though things weren't going so well, she hoped once they got home things would go better.

Irene and Mary spoke for more than an hour and Mary very much enjoyed the 1st hand descriptions of live in the Victorian era. Irene enjoyed speaking of her time and what it was like. Mary just before she left, thanked the latter for the wonderful talk and invited her to come over and have dinner some time after she got settled.

For the next three days, Seulgi did her best to acclimate Irene to the modern world.

The next day, Seulgi then went to the library and got some children pictures books. She figured children's books would be the best way for Irene to learn. One book was of various types of houses and buildings. Another book was about all types of transportation and a third was just a pictorial book of various places in the world.

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