Ch. 33 - Catching up

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No One's POV

The pair as they walked down the street, hand in hand, looked quiet odd. On one had was Seulgi who was wearing ripped blue jeans and a black misfits's t-shirt. Her hair was raven black with a streak of blue in it.

Holding her hand was Irene, who was wearing a very old fashioned blue dress that went down to her ankle's and she had her hair up in a rather outdated style.

A close observer would notice that the girl in the old fashioned dress looked just a bit nervous, but on this Saturday morning, most people simply paid attention to how they were dressed.

It was only a few blocks to the farmers market so Seulgi and Irene were holding hands and leisurely strolling down the sidewalk. The Korean rebel had on her face what she called her happy smirk. Those that truly knew her, would not that meant she was very happy and content. Seulgi also had her annoyed smirk, bored smirk and angry smirk. But today, she was more than happy.

Irene was also happy but nervous, being out in the open about her preference for women was very frightening. She kept expecting people to point or do something, but her lover assured her everything was fine. So she pushed her fears down and decided to have some faith in the woman she loved.

Much to her pleasant surprise, nobody said anything. But she did notices some rather odd looks, which made her a bit more nervous.

"They're looking at us, Seulgi."

The mentioned girl paused and turned to her, "I'm wearing modern clothes and you're rather old fashioned clothes. The fact that we're holding hands doesn't matter."

The Victorian girl frowned, "I like this dress. A proper lady should always wear a nice dress when out in public. My mother always told me that."

Seulgi did think the dress was horribly outdated, but decided not to say anything about it. Instead, she said what she felt.

"You look beautiful," she said with a quick kiss.

Irene looked a bit shocked, "Kissing in public? That's scandalous."

The Korean rebel's smirk widened and she pulled Irene into a close embrace, "Lesson one; People can kiss in public, show affection and love for each other."

Before Irene knew it, Seulgi pressed her lips against hers and initiated a deep passionate kiss. The Latina-American felt her whole body heat up as Seulgi ever so slowly pressed her tongue into her mouth where she happily greeted it with hers. Irene found herself quickly lost in the blissful kiss.

Irene looked a bit dazed when Seulgi broke the kiss and took her hand, "Look around, is anyone really paying attention to us?"

She quickly looked around and noticed that other than a quick glance, none of the few people on the street paid any attention to it. That amazed Irene and made her quite happy.

"I don't have to hide, I don't have to hide my feelings. I can be— what did you call it?" Irene asked, suddenly very excited.

"Lesbian," answered Seulgi as they continued to walk.

"I am a lesbian and I prefer the company of women!" Irene squealed with a look of pride and happiness.

But the Korean rebel narrowed her eyes, looking just a bit annoyed and cleared her throat. "Ah-uh... correction, you're lesbian and you prefer the company of Seulgi Kang. When you say the company of women, that implies other women."

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