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Neira woke in her human form, naked, and on an unfamiliar couch. She was freezing, her teeth chattering even in her sleep. Mud coated her body.

There was a small kitchenette opposite the couch. On the other wall was a toilet, a small shower, and a sink. Stairs stretched up to a loft that she assumed hosted a bed. Niera sat up. There was blood on the couch.

Neira crossed the room. Her hair was coated in mud, her neck had been bleeding with the puncture wounds on the back and front of her throat. They were crusted over now, mostly with mud.

Without thinking, Neira flicked on the small shower. Her anger was palpable as she stepped into the barely warm water. Years. She'd spent nearly 3 years looking for a male that was strong enough. And now that she'd found one, she was fucking pissed.

Her skin was raw in no time with her vigorous scrubbing. He had fucking pinned her alright, with a damned cheap shot. Neira hadn't submitted!

Part of her thought she could still win if she tried again. This had never happened to her before. She didn't know the protocol. Had he won that challenge, or just delayed it?

Water dripped on the floor, mixing with the blood that dripped with her reopened wounds. No towel was in sight but a tea towel next to the sink.

Once she was dry, Neira stole a pair of too-small shorts and a dusty t-shirt from the box by the door and threw herself out the front door. Her body was no longer shaking from just the cold but also anger.

Neira wouldn't say controlling her emotions was one of her strengths.

There was a female waiting on the stairs leading up to the door. Her caramel hair whipped in the morning light as she stood to face Neira. She was petite.

"Hi!" the woman squeaked. The woman was in a sweater, too big for her and smelling like her mate. Some of Neira's anger banked. She blinked, seeing the female's outstretched hand. "I'm Sada."

Neira blinked again. Her human tongue felt like lead in her mouth. When was the last time she was in this form? Let alone speaking?

"Neira," she said coldly, not bothering to shake the woman's hand. She took the steps two at a time and moved around Sada without bothering to meet her gaze.

She made it all of 10 feet before Sada shouted from behind her. "You're going to wrong way. The main cabin is this way." Neira looked over her shoulder to see the female pointing south. The exact opposite direction she was heading.

Neira whirled. "And where, do you suppose, I was going?"

The snap in her voice made Sada flinch. "I am assuming you were heading to have another spat with the Alpha?" She cocked one brow, hands on her hips.

Neira glared in return.

Sada turned, dismissing her with a wave of her hand. "Enjoy the heat then."

Irritation flooded her body, sharp and fast. She had been on her way to beat that hot-headed male into the dirt but she wasn't going to admit that now. Neira kicked at the stump of a tree. It did nothing to alleviate her anger. What were her options? Leave and start running as far away from all signs of life as she could and wait for another week or two of hell to begin. Maybe wait for her death. She didn't know how much longer she could outrun the inevitable.

Or she could swallow her pride and try not to seriously injure someone when she asked for that insufferable male's help. Hell, admitting it might injure herself.

"Wait!" she shouted after Sada. She jogged a few steps before she reached the dainty wolf's side. Sada stopped but didn't turn to face her. "Why shouldn't I kick that fucking prick's ass?"

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