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Her eyes closed as her jowls snapped down.

On nothing.

Her eyes flashed open. He was gone. Nothing lay before her besides damp earth. It stunned her long enough that Neira grappled with the reins of her own body, desperately trying to gain control of her own limbs. 

And then she was shoved into the ground, a body on top of hers. Teeth closed on her scruff. She bucked, snarling as her snout pressed into the dirt. Once more she lost control. She could smell him, aggression rolling off his body and into hers. Everywhere his pelt touched hers burned like white fire.

She used all her might to try and shake him off, to try and lessen the pain. 

His grip loosened only for a moment when she clipped her head to the side. She felt her skin tear, but it was enough. With a quick shove on her front paws, he was tumbling backward off of her. She spun, ready to finish what she started.

He was running away from her.




She was running after him in the next moment, teeth snapping, paws pounding. Murder was in her eyes as she ran, blood seeping from her neck and head. Oh, she would kill him. She wanted to kill him so badly. To feel the blood well in her mouth, have in drip down off her chin. Red hazed her vision. It intoxicated her further, spurring her onward toward that running form. 

His grey tail rounded a corner, dashing up a set of stairs. And as her paws hit the first steps it was her fingers that collided first as her body shredded its wolf pelt. With the momentum, she crunched against the stairs. She heard rather then felt the stairs shudder under the impact. It didn't stop her. She was up in the next moment seeing a man dashing inside the building. This was his den...

She climbed the stairs slowly, as quietly as she could with her human fingers. Air came in through her nose, trying to sniff him out.

Neira  expected something, any inclination with the breeze indicating that he was here - that he had ever been here... But there was nothing, no scent of earthy forest. Not even a hint of that musky fog that coated his skin.

Pain ran up her spine like a blade being dragged along her body, her shoulders jerking at an odd angle. She rounded the corner of the open door, peering inside at the empty living room. There wasn't even a spot of mud on the floor from paws or feet. It was if he had vanished...

Someone had trained him well.

Her foot crossed the threshold and softy another step followed. It was so hard to keep quiet with the burning under her skin. Even harder as she tried to control her breathing.

Then the scent of him hit her. Neira had made into the middle of the room when he dropped down behind her, seemingly from the vaulted ceilings. Copper burned in his eyes, his strong broad chest shaking in rage.

She let out a snarl as he lunged at her. His hand closed around her arm as her palm came up, aiming for his nose. She missed him by an inch, hitting the bottom of his eyes socket instead. She countered with an elbow to the side of his head. It connected, and he let out a grunt. His other hand came up, twisting her free arm behind her back.

He slammed her into the wall - one arm pinned behind her, the other against the wall.

"Neira," he snarled, breath fanning her neck. It burned. Oh god it burned

Her teeth snapped. She shoved against the wall.

"Neira," he said again, voice dripping with malice. "Don't make me do this."

Where his skin touched hers, there was fire. But where her skin was bare there was ice so cold it might as well have been fire. She wanted to scream again.

A curse left his mouth, vulgar, fanning her face with its smell of mist. "Neira," he tried one more time.

She was too far gone. The heat had its talons too deep, too twisted in her mind. Maybe an hour ago he would have been able to pull her back out without the force. But she had hidden from him. The heat hadn't even touched his skin. And the closest heat struck male was Jaro.

It was good he found her when he did. Not so good for the leg that would take a couple of weeks to heal.

She thrashed against the wall. A scream was building in her throat.

"Neira please," he snapped, slamming her against the wall, trying to snap her out of it.

No dice.

Every fiber in his body rebelled as he lowered his face to her neck. She knew what he was going to do and her thrashing only increased, snarling and hissing.

He had to get it over with, get it done with now.

His canines sunk into her shoulder, she froze but only for a moment and that moment was filled with nothing. No pain, no fire, no ice. Just the mist and the smell of copper.

It only took a moment for him to move her off the wall and against the floor, his teeth still embedded in her shoulder. A growl fell from his mouth, rolling into her shoulder.

She went slack on the floor, slack under him.

They never wanted this; he never wanted this. He knew she didn't either. What else was he supposed to do? 

And now there was a mark on her shoulder, that when this was all over, would be hard to remove. It would take time and pain and persistence. Some never faded... He had just ruined everything

But she couldn't bring her self to care about it now. Not when the fire had finally stopped. Not when the invisible talons removed themselves from her innards. She just laid there, silently and blissfully succumbed to nothing.

He pulled his teeth from her.

And it was back, that pain, though not as bad. It was a weight on her limbs, and pain along her spine but that was all. She knew it would get worse again. Her hand came up to her side, smearing in hot liquid. There was blood all over the floor from her neck, shoulder, and head. She couldn't even smell him with all of It coating her body, not even when he was still pressing her into the floor.

"Neira," Judd said, teeth still dangerously close to her skin.

And then it hit her like a sack of hammers to the head. He had bitten her.

She rolled under him as he hovered over her and shoved her feet into his stomach. He hit the wall on the other side of the room so hard she thought to roof might come down on them. 

"How dare you," she said quietly, standing above him. Her naked body smeared with her blood. Rage, so much rage she was shaking with it. 

He scoffed and pulled himself to his feet. There was a bruise already forming on the side of his face, his eye socket long gone black with the accelerated healing. He stepped around her, wary of the canines that she had out.

A snarl ripped from her throat. "Don't," she snapped.

He disappeared behind a doorway, appearing a moment later with a towel that he then chucked at her.

"Don't what?" He barked ignoring the way her blue eyes watched him.

"Ignore what you have just done."

He rolled his eyes. "Maybe if you hadn't locked yourself up like a coward I wouldn't have had to bite you."

She lunged at him, dropping the towel. Her fist connected with his already bad eye. "I am no coward. There is always a fucking choice!" 

He licked his teeth. "But you are a proud, cocky, snot of a shewolf who lost control like a juvenile and nearly killed a member of my pack."

A juvenile? Oh, the rage in her eyes now...

"You have no idea-"

"Oh stuff it will you?" Judd growled. "Go fucking shower," he bent to pick up the towel she had dropped. "A cold one, maybe it will cool off your ego as well as your temper."

He was out the door a second later, nearly missing the swipe of claws that grazed his neck. 

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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