Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Aubrey's POV

The sounds of chirping birds woke me but I didn't open my eyes savoring the feel of the hard warm body pressed firmly against my back with two strong arms cradling me to his body. Hunter's long lean leg was over mine keeping us in an intimate position.

Sinking my teeth into my bottom lip I relived the unforgettable night knowing the memory would be permanently burned into my mind.

How could I forget the hot, exotic night which was also my first time?

Hunter was gentle yet rough without hurting me, the way he moaned and lost control had my body sparking with the same fire as last night. His hands were everywhere, his mouth reeking havoc on my sensitive body, and the finish.

I shuddered remembering how gentle he was after realizing it was my first time.

"Hmmm." he moaned against my ear

Turning slowly to face him I was careful not to wake him. The peaceful expression on his face was unfamiliar, Hunter was either angry or joking but never relaxed. Slipping one of my hands out from under the thin sheet I touched his smooth forehead.

He made a low incoherent sound and rolled his head before returning to his position, I released a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. Hesitating at first I let the tips of my fingers trace his thick brows that were strangely a darker shade than his hair.

I traced down the side of his face feeling the slight stubble growing on his jaw. He'll have to shave today although I like the edgy after shadow look that gave him that sexy bad boy appearance.

One side of my mouth lifted as I thought how silly that was, Hunter is a sweet guy that has just been through too much. Rubbing the back of my thumb against his full pink lips I wondered how much pain he went through and all alone.

"Aubrey." he said just barely opening his eyes groggily

I smiled as he struggled to wake up. Stroking his cheek with my hand I scooted closer feeling the heat of his body.

"Good morning." I greeted

"It was a greater night." he grinned as he tightened his arms around my bare waist

Wrapping my arms under and around his shoulders I hugged close to him smelling his musky scent mixed with my own.

"It was eventful." I added

"Having regrets?" he asked half teasing half hurt

Lifting my head I could see past his tight smile to the worry he was trying to hide. He said last night he didn't want me to regret this later. I don't though, in fact I'm glad he marked me and what came after.

"Not at all." I admitted as I snuggled into his chest recalling how I was teasing him only hours ago

His chest deflated as he released a deep breath, I smiled to myself knowing he was relieved. Did he really think I'd regret this?

"Do you?" I asked listening to the fast pace of his heart

"Only that I should have done this the first day we met." he chuckled

I laughed along with him knowing if he attempted to touch me I would have snapped his arm off whether he was hot or not. When his chest stilled I could hear his rhythmic breath as it came in and out slowly.

The low ticking of a clock somewhere in the bedroom was the only sound except for our breathing.

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