Chapter 34

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Hey the sequel is now out it's called Loving A Beast go check it out please!!!


Chapter 34

Aubrey's POV

We were all sitting in the dinning room in the cottage also known as the pack medical parents, Alex, Kelly, the doctor-who was a old man with a dirty mind and a few pack members I didn't know.

"So it's official?" the doctor asked Kelly

She nodded and leaned into Alex "Your lookin at your new hunky beta." she said

Those wolves in the forest all died except for the small wolf that had minor chest injuries. Apparently the guy who squeezed me was the beta and because he died someone needed to take his spot. And the person to replace him was Alex.

The room bursted into applause as Alex grinned sheepishly. "Thank you I'm sure you feel honored." he teased

Kelly hit his shoulder still grinning happily. As I watched them stare at each other with eyes full of adoration and love.

"Don't let your head get too big." Kelly said

"It'll match the rest of me." Alex said loud enough for everyone to hear

Kelly gasped as a dark red blush covered her face. She pulled away from him now realizing she leaned into him.

It wasn't hard to figure out their mates. In the forest Alex didn't take his eyes off of Kelly longer than a few seconds and when she was injured he licked her wound, like a kiss.

"Watch it Mr. Sexy she'll punish you." I said

Kelly's eyes widened and her mouth hung open as she struggled to come up with an excuse.

"It wasn't hard to figure out Kel besides your cute together." I added

"More like dangerous, these two were in my office throwing my equipment at each other." the doctor said sounding annoyed

Both Alex and Kelly shrugged not caring that they pissed the doctor off. He was screaming on top of his lungs for them to get out.

"Well you have to get serious if your a beta." my dad said

"Oh yeah Holden will bite your head off if you try those goofy tricks with him." a guy with shaggy blond hair chuckled

Holden was still alpha but there was talk around the pack that he was going to be stripped of his title. The families of the victims who got hurt heard from the one survivor how Holden sent his pack out knowing they'd die.

Alex said it might be a few days before anyone knows for sure but it seems like Holden's power streak is over.

"The hunky jerk deserves to be kicked out." Kelly said

"Hey I thought I was the hunky one?" Alex said faking a hurt expression

Kelly ran her caramel eyes up and down Alex's fit body and scrunched her nose up. "Your okay I guess." she said

Alex budged her shoulder which she returned with more force causing Alex to bump into the doctor.

"See dangerous." the doctor exclaimed

"Speaking of dangerous there was a spotting a couple hours ago of a dark lone wolf running across our borders. I think it's the same out of control wolf from earlier." the same shaggy hair guy said

As soon as the words were out four pair of eyes were on me watching my reaction. Biting the inside of my cheek I managed to keep my smile plastered on .

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