20.The beach

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My sleep was disrupted by whoever it was that was at the door .I was really spent when we got back to the hotel the day before .The whole day was spent on the site talking with architects,the head of construction and others .Damon really helped me out when it came to talking to those people .He helped me communicate what my father wanted in various places to the people when I was struggling to explain to them .

When I finally came back to the suite to rest Kai,Danny and I talked on Skype till twelve midnight .That's is why I slept in till ten.There was no thunder or lightning so I slept like a baby ,though I wanted to sleep with Damon again.

Not wanting anybody to see the rat's nest on my head I ran a comb through my hair a few times before answering the door.

It was Damon .He was in a light blue cotton linen men's shirt,bage bermuda shorts and dark blue weekend men's shoes .

How does he look good in everything?

What do you think he looks like in nothing?

"Morning angel,"Ignoring what he called me I replied.

"Good morning."

"Would you do me the honour of letting me take you sight seeing ?"How did he know how much I wanted to visit various tourist attractions in the city?I just hadn't gotten the time .At least there was nothing to do on Saturday and we were to go back to New York

"Yes...but let me clean up first give me twenty minutes..."

I took a shower and picked out something to wear .The weather was good outside .I packed a swim suit incase he took me to the beach.

A few minutes later I was done preparing and as if on cue Damon was at the door.

"Wait what about Lance and James,they will notice I am gone."I had plans to tell my mom about dad getting me bodyguards the second we reached New York .The only two people that I knew had power over my 'almighty' father were his mom and my mom,Avó and mom.

"Just call them and say that you will be staying in your room for the day and don't want to be bothered,"I did just that.

We had breakfast at the restaurant in the hotel .It was really nice being with him .No one can make me feel the way he does ,no one can make me happy the way he can .

"So where do you wanna go first ?" We had finished breakfast.

"Miami Beach is good .Wait we don't have a car."

"Come on ,"he took me out of the hotel and across the street where a black convertible Mercedes-Benz SLC was parked." You like it?"

"Yeah how did you get it?"I didn't remember him having this car when we came.

"I just bought it this morning...we are getting late " he opened the door for me ,went around and got in himself.

We crossed a series of bridges before getting to Miami Beach .In order to avoid unwanted attention he wore black high gloss men's sunglasses while I had on a small light brown hat with a white strip .Just the glasses did not work for him anyone could easily see it was him.

"Those sunglasses are not going work Damon .Do you have fedora or something ?"

"I think there is a hat in the glove compartment "opening the compartment in front of me I found the ugliest flap hat. "The guy at the car dealership must have forgotten it."I still don't understand how he could have gone out,purchased a car and come to my room all before ten in the morning.

Since he was driving I put the hat on his head for him .It didn't look so bad but still bad .As a matter of fact,it was amusing .I pursed my lips to stop the laugh that was building in me .I take back what I said,he doesn't look good in everything .Who am I to blame him it's a flap hat no one and I mean no one can pull off a green flap hat .They are for fishermen .No offence to any fishermen out there.

I could not hold in the chuckles any longer.

"It's not funny,Andrea."

"Then why am I laughing?"


"We are here " he parked the car on the in the parking area for the beach."I know how much you have been waiting see me with my shirt off...well,today is the day."

"You're delusional Damon " I said when in reality I was anticipating seeing him shirtless .I was excited to finally see the same abs I had been feeling from under his shirt time and again when we hugged.

Not many people were there .I expected throngs of people when there was less than fifty tourist and locals in the place . I was not expecting Damon to pull two striped IKEA beach chairs out of the rank of the car and medium sized bag .He carried all of them with ease as I followed behind.

He set up the chairs on the sand then opened up the bag that turned out to be a carry bag for an ample navy blue umbrella .I set down our beach bags and began searching for my towel .

"I would be honoured to rub sunscreen on your back."

"I think I'll pass.".It was a white backless lace-up hollow out one piece swimsuit . rooms so we got in.

He changed into blue and white striped swim trunks but watch he was wearing was not what I was looking at .My eyes fed on the hot sight of his six pack abs .I wanted to touch them ,to feel them ,even lick them .I shook off the dirty thoughts in my head and looked up at him .He had his eyes fixed on my body just like I had mine on his body a second ago .For some reason his pupils were dilated.

"The water looks good,shall we get in."I said to stop him from looking at me any longer .


"Get in first "I told him .I wanted to know if it was cold before even dipping my toes in.

"Why?"He asked suspicious of why I did not want to go in before he did.

"I want to know whether it is cold or not."I stated.

"I could go in on I could do this..."In a fraction of a second my feet left the fine sand and I was thrown over his shoulder as he ran into the ocean.

"Put me down...Wait is it cold?"

"Only one way to find out " he removed me from his shoulder and set me on my feet inside the lukewarm water .We were close to the shore so the water barely reached my knees.


"I have always wanted to go to the deep sea."I said to Damon ,staring at the enchanting sea from the beach as we sat there relaxing .It looked like there was a whole new world past the line where the sky meets the sea .It know it's just other continents there but there is always this imagination I have had in my mind since I was younger.

I have always wanted to be in a place there is nothing for miles just water.

"You have never been?"

"No...don't know why."


For those who didn't know ,Avó means grandma .I am not Portuguese,Spanish or any language other than English that will show up in story.

I hope you liked their little trip to the beach.

Will update soon .I did not proof read this by the way.)


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