25.The yatch

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The last three weeks had been pretty hectic .The semi-annual meeting had been postponed to a week later .Damon and I had actually not had time together since that night he slept at my place after dinner with his parents.

He had gone to Moscow,Russia for two weeks to take care of business and had not come back .I worried about him a lot but we skyped almost every night .I highly anticipated his return.

I myself had also been buried in work. A month ago I managed to convince my father to give me even more responsibilities in the office and after much persistence on my side he did.

I enjoyed that feeling I get when I closed my laptop after a day of work
.The feeling of accomplishment is incredible .A year ago my greatest accomplishment would have been reaching the six hundredth level of candy crush.

"You seem distracted ."Kai said as we waited for our coffee at Starbucks Friday in the morning.

"Just thinking .Are you ready for your interview? "Kai had recently quit his job and had an interview for another one in a different cooperation .Apparently his former boss was homophobic and a tyrant .Kai isn't the kind of person to start fights so he figured he should just quit and get another job .It would not be a big task considering credentials.

I had told him that we were hiring in the marketing department but he strongly refused.

"How can I not be?I went to Oxford." He boasted looking proud.

"So did I." I reminded him doing a hair flip.

"Primrose Everdeen!" The Barista called holding a cup of coffee.

"You didn't." I said hiding my amusement at Kai's antics.

"Oh but I did." He whispered to me.Then he shouted loudly ,"I volunteer as tribute! "Laughter erupted through the whole coffee shop as I stood up to get my coffee .We liked to play this joke back in college and it never got old it still hasn't.

We went our separate ways after agreeing to meet at on Monday after my cooking class .The lessons were actually working my food had become edible.

The workers were set in work mode as sounds of typing on computers,answering if calls and stapling of papers filled the atmosphere.

Opening my office door I noticed the stack of papers on my desk .I sat down and went through them taking note of any thing out of the ordinary in the documents.

I was done with them by ten o'clock .I headed down to the legal department on the forty second floor to talk with Julia .She may be a twenty two year old intern studying law at New York University but she knows her stuff.

We discussed the recent arrangement with the united states government concerning the imports and exports .They didn't want to get on the company's bad side since it was providing employment to over five million Americans both directly and indirectly.


Lance dropped me off back at the office after lunch at a nearby Mexican restaurant .I had taken a liking to Mexican food.

The door to my office was half open and I was sure I left it closed when I was going out for lunch,not locked but closed. Who could have come been here?

It was rare for me to leave my office open like that or for someone to go in without me being there.

I cautiously went in,praying that some crazy person with a gun wasn't waiting to end my life.

All I saw was an elegant Russian themed gift bag on the table in front of the chaise lounge .I rushed to it anxious to look inside. I was like a child on Christmas morning about to open there present from Santa Clause.

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