10.Stuck with him

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It has been two days since I had come here and this place seemed to be the most amazing place I have ever been to.

I hadn't been on a long vacation before and I'm quite liking it here. Also, I have been wide awake for a while but I'm too lazy to get up.

It's impolite to sleep late in the morning as being the guest but here, everyone gets up quite late so it's okay for me.

This place is called Hazel Wonder, the wonder created by Hazel, the late wife of Nicho. The old man seemed to have a deep love for her as he decided to spend his rest of the life with her memories, they had created together.

The atmosphere around here is also splendid and being on the top of the hill we could look at the town from here.

When I had stepped out of the car, I was mesmerized by the wonderful scenery. It looked like some scene from the fairy tale and the waterfall at the side enhanced its beauty.

In front stood a two-story mansion that looked like a castle. And I got the rough idea that Hazel was fascinated by the fairy tale and created her own fairy world.

I would have love to meet her but unfortunately, she is not here. But she had left her memory in the small detail of this mansion as I heard that she had designed this place with her own hand.

And talking about the decorations, she was a lady with good talent. I fell in love when I entered the living area and couldn't take my eyes off it.

Also, I was so busy appreciating the beauty that I embarrassed myself in front of the Reghens. Nicho was asking me something but I was busy in my own world.

I normally do not lose control but this place made me mesmerized. The room where I'm staying is also what you would see in movies.

The guest room is so extravagant that it made me think what the master bedroom would look like. But the second floor is exclusively made for the owner aka Nicho and her wife, so no one, not even his grandson is allowed to go there.

Only butler Tim would accompany Nicho to his room and even he has to leave as soon as possible. That old man is so strict with his rules that he did not let someone accompany him even when he had not recovered properly.

Everyone tried to convince him but no, he wouldn't listen to a single person. And to avoid having an accident, a monitor similar to a baby monitor is placed in his room to check on him.

He had denied it but later his grandson almost forced him to install it. It was quite amusing to see the jerk lecturing Nicho and I had to suppress my laughter while listening to Nicho's reasoning.

Even being in his old age, he still knows how to joke and how could I forget about his childish behavior. Also, it's really difficult to make him take his medicine and I thought my granny was the only exception.

And talking about granny, my mom had called me yesterday asking me about my well-being. And I got scolded for a whole 30 minutes as I did not call her back the other night.

My mom does not forget to scold me even if I'm far away from her. My dad is the only one who never scolded me.

Ah...I kind of miss my family.

I sighed glancing around the room and took out the mobile from the nightstand. I unlocked the mobile and checked the notifications.

After scrolling through some news, I glanced at the time and decided to get up. I get off the bed and folded the duvet properly on the bed.

Then I walked to the washroom and take a short shower as I had washed my hair yesterday night. After showering, I put on the bathrobe and brushed my teeth.

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