41.Messed up

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Never in my dreams I had ever thought that I would missed someone so much that it would be so hard to live and the regrets of not telling her soon would kill me from inside.

I had never experience such type of emptiness when I had been alone since I remember but just in a year she made me used to her presence so much that I couldn't even place my foot on my own mansion without remembering the day she left me.

It's been six months since that incident and still the memory of that evening hunts my mind. I couldn't forget her teary eyes, dry lips and  hurt face which was giving me venomous glare.

I had not thought that she wouldn't give me a chance to explain and just go on accusing me. I should have done something when I had seen that bastard Luimon around her.

But he had changed everything which I had prepared to say to her and maybe I would have apologise if I had to, to make her stay. But she left me saying that it's the end of the unfortunate marriage.


She just left me saying that and never try to come in contact me. I...I wanted to go to her but when I thought of making some move, her crying and hurt face flashes on my mind and even it's hurt to stay away from her, I would never show my face which would hurt her even more. She would hate me more than she has already and I couldn't  live while being hated by her.

"So you are gonna stay like this forever? With a guilt and a glass of  whiskey?" Len tried to provoke me but it won't effect me as he has been doing this since that evening.

"Really! Shuab. You would stay here cause she told you to never show up. Since when have you started listening to others?" Len sighed in frustration and shoot daggers at me while I just stare the glass.

"I don't know since when Len but I-I can't see her hating me. It's made me feel like some cheap bastard. I..." I couldn't even form a sentence and placed the glass on the counter with a force.

"You're a cheap bastard." Len yelled at me and snatched the bottle of whiskey from my hand and put it far away on the counter.

"LEN! GET YOUR ASS OUT OF HERE." I shouted at him and banged my hand on the counter.

"Getting drunk wouldn't help you? You need to face your problems even though you don't want to. And What you did is not something reasonable?" Len said in a calm tone while giving me you-should-have-think-before-doing-that look.

"Then why didn't you stop me Len? Why did you let me do that to her? Why the fuck you didn't tell me all this?" I lashed my all frustration and anger at him.

"SHAUB! Don't put the blame on me for what you did? I had told you that you would regret latter and she is something precious but no, the egotistic Shaub Reghen wouldn't listen to anyone other than his fucking stupid brain? Yet you tell me that she is just like other girls but she proved you wrong. Shaub, you couldn't recognize the gem when it was in front of you and now it's gone, you're looking for it. You're sick man." Len ran his hand through his hand and clenched his fist.

"I fucking messed up Len. I-I thought that she would be with me for my money and looks but no, she didn't even try to seduce me nor did she spoke nicely to me. You were right that time but I was so blinded with my anger that I couldn't think straight. I thought if I claim her mine then I would enjoy seeing that asshole being hurt, instead I'm here sulking for my own fucking decision. Why I'm not happy when I had hurt him? That asshole had tried every ways to find out about my plan and finally he found out when my anger took it ways. And did you know that when he said he love her, hearing that made me so angry that I beat the shit of that bastard." A devilish smirk form on my face when I remember that asshole's broken face.

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